1. Is it possible that the helmet was put on before the rubbing alcohol dried?

  2. We cleaned it the night before and let it dry for an hour and it seemed dry. Would that cause the helmet to move more?

  3. I suggested Callista for a younger sibling (was really into Xena at the time).

  4. Not at all. I had to get braces on before (about a year). Lots of prep and planning between my ortho and surgeon but they were amazing. The surgery itself lasted about 2 1/2 hours. I had it broken in two places on the bottom and across the upper jaw. They don’t wire the jaw shut anymore but I did have rubber bands supported by the braces, lots of them! I saw my doctor weekly for 6 weeks. I went back to work for half days only after 3 weeks but remained on a liquid diet for 6 weeks. The pain was not horrible but I was on morphine in the hospital then alternating Tylenol and advil. I couldn’t shower for several days or brush my teeth. I didn’t drive for almost three weeks. Walking to my mailbox was the most I did the first two weeks. The swelling and bruising was horrendous! I looked like a busted pumpkin lol. After 6 weeks I was released back to a normal diet however I had to learn how to chew again and remained on soft foods for almost a year. Braces stayed on for another year after surgery. It’s been 4 years and I would do it again. I was suffering from constant jaw paid and migraines.

  5. How do they go about breaking a jaw? I'm guessing they don't punch you in the jaw. Just wondering how they do it humanely.

  6. Literally with power tools. Little saws and a hammer/mallet looking thing.

  7. Wow. Thanks for replying! I'm glad it helped your migraines!

  8. The way the glasses pinch her nose...it's like she's going snorkeling. 🤣

  9. Whoever compared his eyes to buttholes really was spot on.

  10. She used the box to cover the Birthday misspelling 😂

  11. She's had the same pigeon toes for a very long time. Another issue they won't take care of!

  12. Full diaper and right leg looks covered in dirt.

  13. Yeh. I did have a great surgeon that argued blepharoplasty would not be enough because the eyebrow itself sat below the bony ridge

  14. If you're in MN did you happen to go to Mayo for your eye lift? Curious as family there are looking for recommendations of the same!

  15. Uber eats scrambled eggs Ali. Or Uber eats starbucks every single day Ali.

  16. This is when I joined the chaos. Never forget.

  17. Reminder that drowning is often quiet and quick. Always keep an eye on your kids around water.

  18. Seriously. My oldest had swimming lessons today and in the pre-school group, a little girl almost drown while the entire crowd of parents was watching. The instructor was busy with another child and the lifeguard (a kid, maybe of 16) didn't even notice the girl. The dad lept in and grabbed her. It was horrifying. She was shook up, but no coughing nor choking, so the dad must've stepped in quickly.

  19. I thought someone photshopped Bdong's legs onto Jpeg for a moment!

  20. Funnily enough, Jake and his wife just had a baby!

  21. She's giving Aaron Carter vibes here, I'm not sure how or what or why, but that's what I'm picking up.

  22. Okay. So running is not great for the pelvic floor. Like, at all. I've done a lot of research on this topic (sadly, fml), and any good PT will tell women who have as bad a pelvic floor as Smelli does, to wait until at least 6 months postpartum to run. Pelvic Floor physical therapy is also recommended to work up to being able to jog or run long distance.

  23. Not gonna lie, I thought this was John with a prosthetic moon bump.

  24. They have one of those huge Duggar vans! (Not sure if the Duggars do have one, but it holds much more than their 5 person family and I think it has a tall roof for wheelchairs.)

  25. It's too close knit. Everyone knows about them and their negligence and business and avoids them like the plague. IKYK. 🫶

  26. Idk if there was evidence of this — just the timeline was fishy to me at the time— Katie Holmes ending her engagement to Chris Klein for (??) Tom Cruise.

  27. I remember speculation that the overlap was so close that some thought Suri was really Chris Klein's child.

  28. I add plain oatmeal to pancake mix. Makes it stretch twice as long, the pancakes or waffles are fluffier and once they’re cooked you don’t even notice the oatmeal

  29. Do you grind the oats up first or use a special cut? Asking because I have the old fashioned ones.

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