1. Were any of you able to get intramuscular injection prescriptions or just the troches/sprays?

  2. I feel like you’re not reading my comments and you’re just defaulting down a dialogue tree. So this is pointless

  3. Essentially, if you vote for a party that enacts laws targeting minorities, then you are guilty by association.

  4. I’m not Republican. I’m a liberal. I vote blue baby. I’m just saying it’s stupid to write off minorities who vote republican and just say they are slaves who want to be slaves even though there are a lot of reasons (like the left hating America, lighting themselves on fire, using minorities as tokens, etc.) why a minority might want to vote republican and we as democrats, the party that is supposed to be best for them, need to figure out what we can do better

  5. I've been using extract in addition to plain leaf powder for about 1 1/2 years now. It's actually helped me lower my tolerance. It's also nice to be able to be out and about all day without having to carry an extra dose or two of regular kratom powder.

  6. Weirdly, I have noticed if I use an extract, I seem to have better effects from regular powder after. I suppose it’s because there are different alkaloids found in plain leaf kratom versus the ones extracted.

  7. It's mainly from Kratomites, and it's similar to many issues today.

  8. Thank you. I'm aware of those issues, but it's the only thing that lets me sleep. This is also why I've only ever taken half a pill.

  9. Are you me? I’ve struggled with sleep issues since I was a child.

  10. Wait I didn’t realize I was commenting at you elsewhere about the ketamine! Sorry about that

  11. I too think it’s horrible! What makes it worse for me is that it actually happened to the guy who stars in it. I made it through ep 3 & may be done with it. Him capitalising on how horribly he treated someone(s) feels super ick.

  12. I feel like he made the show in search of catharsis, and repentance to a degree.

  13. I actually have only made it through ep 2 (didn’t correct it b/c I didn’t think anyone would give it any mind 🤷🏻‍♀️). So far she’s escalated quietly except for some verbal references to violence/ott intensity toward the md of what I’ve seen. And he just keeps opening the door further despite being aware of her mental illness.

  14. The writer is definitely messed up. The further you get into the show, the more you’ll kind of understand him.

  15. I’m prescribed it because I have TMJ disorder and a spine disease.

  16. I just said fuck it and got a prescription of baclofen for free f-phenibut is too expensive anymore and you risk getting bunk from nootropics source from what I've seen. I've only bought from them once it was mematine and it was definitely legit I just don't know though I just said fuck it lol

  17. Do you get a high from baclofen? I’m prescribed it, and I don’t really feel any different beyond muscle relaxation.

  18. umm have you not heard of people having diseases? it can happen at any age & that shit can take a toll on you physically.

  19. Yeah, people can get sick at all ages. I don’t know what this guy is talking about.

  20. I agree. Prohibition really screwed over the cocktail craft, several “essential” ingredients came from businesses that failed 100 years ago and once it picked back up, no one could agree on anything and profits had to be made. Sad to see. I love making random “classic” recipes for shift drinks, some of them are truly wonderful

  21. Was thinking about this thread during work, actually… made a Tuxedo tonight. Mainly inspired by a “martini” base.

  22. Just call the ambos next time she has a "seizure". Easy solution.

  23. Fuck I meant 5g I guess. I take like 4-6 regular size capsules

  24. That’s all fine and good, but you’re preaching to the choir. It’s not me you have to convince; it’s the FDA and DEA, and their evidence requirements are a bit more stringent than mine; I don’t require several years’ worth of clinical trial data.

  25. I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, like you mentioned, the DEA and FDA are the ones who have to be appeased. Which is a more complicated issue.

  26. I think you are a bigot. You are allowed to openly discriminate against my beliefs. I would be fired for expressing my beliefs by you but I cannot fire you for your beliefs.

  27. There will be a day when your beliefs will no longer dictate our reality. It’s as simple as that, and there’s nothing any of you can do about it.

  28. I am not the one that will send police to your door to enforce my beliefs.

  29. Which is the plant name ur talking about that is better than coffee and is nutritious

  30. Yeah, apparently the coca plant provides “cleaner” stimulation than caffeine. According to users of raw leaf, it be chewed or brewed into a maté.

  31. I used to purify Oz's of it at a time using A/B extractions and the best end result was always from Peru that had been produced using ether. I haven't done any in a couple years now but even when I was in South America, it's not the same as what it once was. I believe there are a lot of factors that go into it not just cut and solvents used but many things like the coca leaves themselves, if there has been gnarly pesticides used etc. But yes, the best coke is fish scale, slightly pink or slightly yellow. No anxiety just euphoria and confidence.

  32. There are also two species and several varieties of the coca plant, right? I’ve read some scientific studies detailing various alkaloid content differences between them.

  33. I live in Ireland so I don't really know either why anybody would miss American beers :P

  34. There’s a wide variety available in the US. It’s never ending.

  35. Need to do that. I've only been to NYC for a week and that didn't seem like a place for a quiet pint.

  36. He was inferring that bupropion directly influences serotonin too. Which, if true, could cause serotonin syndrome in conjunction with DXM.

  37. Damaging the relationship is fine. I do not care about what these people think of me. I just need to know if it's possible without getting arrested, and I have my answer.

  38. Well this is the first time I've really tried them, it could b be my tolerance to kratom or just my body chemistry, I can't 100% blame OO but it seems most people that have ordered from them have had the same experience. I took 5 throughout the day today and didn't feel anything until after I took the 5th

  39. They’re probably mixing in bunk pills with real ones. Essentially selectively scamming.

  40. I ordered from them 2 weeks ago and it was my 2nd time trying 7OH pills and they were complete bunk. For how much $$ I figured they'd be good but nothing at all. I've got low tolerance as well. I definitely felt scammed and then people here say they are testing way below what's advertisiled. Now I feel actually scammed haha but that company comes here and comments on threads they should come and clear the air. For them to stay quiet after being called out with proof is about as shady as it gets. Plus the whole working to get competitor shut down

  41. They could be selectively scamming. Selling the real deal for your first order, then selling lesser pills after.

  42. It’s not the opiates man. I been off opiates before without assistance and never had hair loss. It’s not opiate withdrawal that causes it. It’s the kratom.

  43. Withdrawal can cause it as well. It throws your body out of homeostasis.

  44. I never had extreme hairloss from opiate withdrawal if any hairloss. It’s the Kratom it’s not from opiate withdrawal. Plus Kratom stopped all my opiate withdrawal symptoms every single one of them. I actually think it’s better than Suboxone if it wasn’t for the hairloss I would recommend Kratom. Yes Kratom hairloss doesn’t happen to everyone but it sure did for me and a lot of other people’s experience.

  45. Personally, I’ve never had hair loss from kratom, but I lost a lot of hair when I quit benzodiazepines. It was terrible.

  46. Hi, did ketamine assist in alleviation of depression?

  47. Currently searching tags for lamotrigine, going through the exact same thing. Like big cystic acne after never having acne. I had my medication raised twice because of epilepsy and it’s so horrible right now 😭

  48. I’m on 325! I wish I could, I just want to be seizure free so I can do normal things like drive and swim so I’m really hesitant to decrease or titrate to something else

  49. That’s completely understandable. Maybe you could treat your acne with something else? The acne on my face was completely unresponsive for the most part.

  50. And you should get your DNA tested. Why are you posting on here? lol ……. Jk

  51. I want to, but I can’t afford it right now unfortunately. Hopefully I can sometime soon.

  52. I haven’t had my DNA tested, but I imagine any dna from my Potawatomi ancestors is very minimal after generations have passed.

  53. I would say it's kinda the opposite sometimes. While extracts might be bio-available they lose some actives/change the ratio due to the extraction process. Some herbs I have used have been slightly more dose-potent when not extracted(I mean 5gram herbs would give more effects than 500mg 1:10 extract), but that's different from extract to extract, some are really good and I often prefer extracts when it comes to other herbs due to them being standardized so you can dose correctly accordingly to scientific literature.

  54. I have some piperine isolate in powder form. It has been a few years since I’ve used it with kratom. I might try it out again.

  55. I have never had a Kratom withdrawal, but I keep hearing about it. Are we sure it’s really real or more like caffeine or nicotine? When I think of heroin withdrawal, I’ve seen friends go through massive physical problems including vomiting, sweating, and other symptoms that lasted days. Are these two things even comparable ?

  56. I graduated from the wentville school district last year, the school district has gone to the shitter. Kids are pushed through without a second thought, they would rather a student stay in classes and struggle day to day than actually help address the problem. I suffered a decently major injury in my sophomore year and I had zero help from anybody, whether it be teachers or administrators. The rest of my high school career was horrendous, I was given zero help or accommodations after pleading for them.

  57. My family just pulled my sister out of the wentzville school district. She was falling behind, and the teachers never reported any issues to my mom until the end of the year. It was almost too late.

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