1. I have been enjoying the surprises earlier in the show by this was heavy handed foreshadowing.

  2. It was actually so obvious. One of those "aw shit here we go again" moments.

  3. What does he think is going to happen when she watches the press conference where she says he threatened her?

  4. Is that an icon card lol? His base is 86 overall for a reason lmao. Such delusion

  5. It doesn't matter, atleast it shouldn't that it's not a special card. If the player has the ability IRL, give it to them.

  6. Sorry to tell you but no card of Ronaldo on FUT has 5* weak foot.

  7. I'm not talking about how it is bruh. I'm talking about how it should be

  8. About the female myplayer, that won't happen until 2k stops with all the storylines in the NBA mode. They'll need a full FLEDGED WNBA career mode for that and I doubt they can do campaigns for both

  9. I feel like the game only sucks if you play online (which I know is a big thing). But I've been playing MyCareer and having a blast forming storylines in my head.

  10. I knew it was not Hyunwoo the moment I looked in his eyes. The warmth that Hyunwoo holds everytime he looks at Haein was just... Absent.

  11. I wasn't as astute. I wasn't sure it wasn't him until I saw the Benz chasing. If I could afford it, I'd probably go out and buy that car 😅

  12. didn't need to click to see because same 😭

  13. I literally came here to comment this 😂. Had me laughing for 2 straight minutes.

  14. We're literally playing the event for the opportunity to give them money 😂

  15. Heidi's voice, is it the actress's voice as well? I ask because it sounds exactly like the voice of the FL from captivating the king.

  16. Recently I've been thinking Tiktok might have ruined my attention span since I can no longer watch entire movies in one sitting not to mention an entire show.

  17. For a second, I was wondering what Grey was doing on reddit

  18. The outer worlds and Sifu got added so i guess this aged poorly

  19. After these last two episodes, I'm fairly happy to just watch the first two seasons again and then call it a day 🤷‍♂️

  20. this has been a horrendous start to the season. Please tell me it gets better. If not, might as well cut my losses here and move on

  21. He does.. I’m currently watching this episode and fuck he’s ANNOYING

  22. I want pregnant trans men to realise that from that moment on, nobody will ever see you as a man no matter how much they pretend so if being accepted as your gender is something you care about, don't do that.

  23. “Chest-feeding” sounds like a fetish. “Uterus havers” sounds like an incel term. “Birthing person” sounds so dystopian like it’s a factory slave.

  24. Right on all accounts especially that last one. Birthing person is so Handmaid's Tale it's not even funny

  25. I can smell the anti diy crowd coming from a mile away any way I say you pass

  26. I've been DIY my whole transition. Four years now. Some of us have no choice.

  27. Funny because when I had 2 heroes, I got 5 mascheranos. Since I got the third and now I'm at five, I haven't seen another mascherano

  28. Necessary evil that says "not all trans people think alike". Her vocal existence keeps us from being treated like a hive mind.

  29. I've bought all battlepasses so far sure but I like to think it's mostly taking advantage of the leaks to make market investments.

  30. Started playing five weeks ago. Did I word that wrongly?

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