1. You look great and that party looked so fun!❤️

  2. I like the title choice, I also feel like "Venture" would've been a good one!

  3. Wasn’t she also responsible for this? (Correct me if I’m wrong)

  4. I don't like ddg but I'll repost a comment I read elsewhere:

  5. The entire TL coming together behind Halle is beautiful, but Elon RUINED tf outta that app. It’s criminal.

  6. I think they already got Ddg's post removed but kept the others guy's posts up:/

  7. Some of y’all are really jumping to defend a known white supremacist 👀

  8. lmaoo I'm trying to clarify in the comments, just because someone has passed that does not make them a good person.

  9. These are both such disrespectful things to say. Both of these people are assholes

  10. I don't like ddg but I'll repost a comment I read elsewhere:

  11. y'know I used to think people were unfair/shady towards g1 on here sometimes, but honestly this is like legit the only safe space g3 users have so I don't mind it anymore. G3 unfortunately still gets a lot more hate than g1, which is sad considering they've been improving.

  12. Honestly the new Fearbook Toralei. She looks like a Karen mother throwing her kid a rocker themed party or showing up to a rock themed party that brought out her 80s clothes

  13. I’m not really feeling this frankie either😬 I’ve been kinda salty about it winning the ”favourite doll for this character” thing that was going on on this subreddit recently

  14. Who cares if a woman enjoys male attention? Who cares if other one doesn't? Who cares if some days we dress to get some spotlight but other days we don't?

  15. yes it's like she's trying to create a "safespace" for women to admit they dress for male attention while saying things like "called out" "denying accusations..." multiple times. If you're already all-knowing, what more do you want women to say? Why are we being investigated lmao.

  16. She's so close to understanding that the very nature of "calling out" and "accusing" is the problem 😭

  17. “Be honest it’s okay” yes because saying you're dressing for males attention and want to be sexualized will totally fly over with people..won’t be slut-shamed at all👍

  18. 50cent is probably worse if we’re talking morals😭

  19. I love Jennifer Aniston but by god her style is boring. I wish she’d shock us all and wear something really different. It doesn’t need to be outrageous just not bland.

  20. I never understood why she was the fashion icon in Friends and irl.. maybe I just had to be there during the height of it all🤷🏾‍♀️

  21. it's not even just black people, it's usually black americans (idk if you're also black american, but if not, pls don't mistake this as a victim complex). no one's bringing up black brits when they wanna make these comparisons, or even afro-brazilians, or black arabs (or, while not necessarily the same thing, not even the blackfellas of australia- they're considered 'black' too)

  22. No I definitely get what you’re saying as an Ethiopian living in the u.s. A lot of the ignorant ppl can’t even tell the different between a black immigrant or black American yet they’re so quick to throw shade at black Americans in favor of other causes or to downplay issues AA’s try to speak on.

  23. Yknow it’s funny because people like to say racism towards other races is just as important and they should be taken more seriously (which is true). But why are black ppl always the go to examples then? Why are black people the first thing to come to your mind when you wanna use a race for your counter arguments? Be the change you wanna see..

  24. You do realise that Clawdeen has pretty much heavily textured hair in the show of gen 3, right? None of her dolls represent her or what kind of biracial she is correctly, so why try to defend her having the hair she gets :^

  25. Idk why you’re being downvoted you brought up a decent point. It was already a complaint in the beginning that a company decided yet again to make a (assuming) fully-black character biracial to appeal to broader audiences. Plus I have seen several biracial ppl rock various braided styles/curlier hair irl and social media, idk what they’re implying.

  26. What did Beyonce and Kelly Rowland do? Any pics of before and after? Just asking, lol

  27. Love the really defining cheekbones. That’s what’s really driving this home for me as an ode to g1 Spectra😭💜

  28. Psy achieved like a Billion views on YT and Macklemore won a Grammy...

  29. Pretty sure his corny ass text to Kendrick that he posted on IG was his downfall

  30. Yea that's true too but he was already getting a lot of backlash after beating out Kendrick (especially), Drake, Jay-z and Kanye I think.

  31. I don't think Gen Z ever actually went about using the term cheugy.

  32. Yeah it’s just a thing that a few girls on tiktok did that blew way out of proportion. Like when a few millennials/one gen-z said gen-z is “aging like milk” and that sparked a whole unnecessary debate lmao.

  33. “When the system drafts athletes they avoid working with those who have their father in their life...” then how does he explain Lebron and his sons?

  34. And I’ve seen definite Amber/Meghan hater overlap. Those two are their targets for intense misogyny and armchair diagnosis.

  35. you could add Rachel Zegler and Brie Larson to that list tbh

  36. Yall this is 69 damn dollars Canadian, plus shipping. Do I need this?? How major is this thing usually? How much magazine are we talking for that price?!

  37. yeah i think ima hold off on buying till I see the product or some reviews

  38. Right like she always talks like that in interviews, she exaggerates things she’s excited about😭

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