1. Det må vel være kvinderne, der bestemmer det. Og hun sagde nej

  2. Jeg ville foretrække at der er folk fra de styrende organisationer med indsigt i de fysiske aspekter der bestemmer det. Så det ikke bliver afgjort på "fordi jeg synes der er forkert".

  3. Godt for hende! ville ønske der var flere kvinder der sagde fra i sådanne situationer. Den transkønnede person kan stille op i den række der matcher personens tidligere køn. Det er mest fair for alle.

  4. Jeg synes vi skal lade de styrende organisationer finde ud hvad de mener er fair. Ingen grund til at udelukke nogen for noget der ikke giver dem en fordel - udelukkende for at imødekomme folk der ikke kan håndtere gråzoner.

  5. Where were the dipshits trying to roll the golf ball back, back then? And doesn’t say he carried it 350 lol.

  6. Oh you have no idea! One of the most expensive in the world. Taxes and fees will eat you up. Even on super windy days where electricity is literally free, we still pay like 20 cents per kWh.

  7. There's almost certainly a middle ground- and Denmark buys lots of Russian oil so those extra fees aren't accomplishing all that much in terms of "stability."

  8. Practically none of our electric power comes from oil, so that is a weird observation and hence conclusion.

  9. There's nothing in that rule that states the hole must be on the green

  10. It might not concretely say so.

  11. That's not how the rules of golf work, the rules of golf concretely describe everything

  12. And the rules for the putting green concretely says "there is a flagstick for the hole on each putting green".

  13. The full beard and double chin are nature's best friends.

  14. Hey. I got called Shane Lowry on the course the other day. So I have that going for me.

  15. And it’s not supposed to be separated with 5 minute tee times intervals on tee times, packed like sardines.

  16. The PGA Tour has Pace of Play rules too. Both for slow play in a given round and for players being consistently slow over many tournaments.

  17. Thoughts? It’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. You can’t add strokes for playing the game the way it’s supposed to be played lol.

  18. That game is supposed to be played by the rules. And the rules allow for local rules like this.

  19. I am interested to learn more about tattics from the coatch.

  20. No doubt about that. The electoral college was a concession to slaveholding states when the constitution was written and we’re still paying for it.

  21. The electoral college is not as big a problem as the states being allowed to give all electoral votes to the winner.

  22. Unbelievable, being able to do each on one attempt. Also Interesting to see how much he grips down on the driver with all swings.

  23. Been golfing 4 years. Never ever had a draw on my driver in the first 3 and a half years. Suddenly developed one my last 5 rounds. What did I do?!

  24. Moved your tee position back, closed the face more, got more hip turn so you got a more inside out swing. Lots of different reasons it could be. Depending on what your swing/face angle looked like before it could be a small thing or big thing.

  25. "I will happily present my world view, but first..."

  26. Må have set top-svaret i denne her tråd og tænkt "Jeg skal sgu vise dem!"

  27. A fatal weakness to water has got to be one of the most nonsensical weaknesses I've ever heard of. Their own bodies would destroy themselves, since they are likely similar to humans and composed of the stuff. Even if you want to argue that it is somehow only external water, or even a quality of water exclusive to Earth, they'd all still die almost immediately due to water vapour in the atmosphere.

  28. The biggest plot hole I can think of is water being poisonous to the aliens in Signs. BITCH, THE AIR HAS WATER IN IT, HOW CAN YOU EVEN BREATHE?

  29. The water in the air is not holy water.

  30. Nu kan jeg ikke læse kritikken, men er vi nået dertil at DREAM, ADAM og hvad de finansielle modeller der findes i finansministeriet ellers hedder, er begyndt at medtage hvad økonomien er i eksempelvis investering i socialområdet, så man har ressourcerne til at sætte ind tidligere, og dermed opnår en langsigtet økonomisk gevinst ved at have færre mennesker længere tid i systemet og og med mere krævende indsats? Eller står hele socialområdet, velfærdsområdet m.v. bare som rene udgifter i de økonomiske modeller?

  31. Og det er værd at bemærke at der er forskel på at værdisætte omsorg i sig selv - og beregne en kontant gevinst ved at udvise det i nogen sammenhænge.

  32. At this point nothing will change the outcome of the war aside from NATO troops on the ground.

  33. NATO navy and air would probably suffice.

  34. Har Vanopslagh dementeret det?

  35. Hvordan er det her relevant for Denmark? At du sammenkobler nationalkonservativ med fascistisk viser også meget klart at den her lidt er bad faith.

  36. Hvis de sammenkobler sig selv med deres adfærd, så er det ikke OPs skyld.

  37. Det er en falsk modsætning.

  38. I’m an Aussie, where the tournament was held, and it absolutely went off. Heaps of coverage etc.

  39. So, I actually watched this tournament. I'm a PGA guy through and through, but I was on YouTube and round one came up on my home page and it was live. So I put it on. I have to say it was pretty good vibes on the course.

  40. See, I think if it’s just a regular tournament you’d have more top players skip considering its a weekend that follows the Master’s and a signature event, and prior to Byron Nelson, Wells Fargo Championship, and the PGA Championship. Just my opinion though

  41. You can hardly have more top players skipping than you had for this one.

  42. It makes somewhat sense to me. Regardless, the tournament following the Master’s and a signature event is going to have a low amount of stars playing and low tv ratings. The Zurich Classic offers less pressure and more of a “fun” vibe for players, making it more enticing for players to participate in. And it’s something different and “fun” for the viewers. It’s like a “break” for everyone, without being a break.

  43. Can see him thinking: "Don't hand the mic to me. Don't hand the mic to me. Don't hand the mic to me. Don't hand the mic to me."

  44. Which is mostly right. The physical laws that make rockets go up are not the same as the ones that make aeroplanes go up. The aeroplane could have never been invented and we could still have figured out shooting a rocket to the moon.

  45. I think obvious intent of the phrasing beats useless pedantry any day.

  46. Yeah ready golf means hit your ball if you are ready and don’t feel like you have to wait for the furthest out player to hit their shot first. Not OPs take

  47. Finish this: In order to be ready to hit before a player further out, you have to be ...

  48. A Chad is actually the local area word for "large body of water" so the Lake Chad for which the country Chad is so named after. Is actually just Lake Lake. Making the name of the country:

  49. Same for Lake Tahoe, more or less.

  50. Jeg er normalt ikke en fan af forbud, men lige præcis deepfake er noget andet, i det det stort set kun kan bruges til skade.

  51. Det er jo ikke rigtigt. Det kan også bruges til ren underholdning /satire.

  52. To clarify my post, the karrysild was confiscated at security in Seattle, not immigration. It was probably because of the liquid inside, TSA is very strict about that sort of thing.

  53. Yeah, food stuffs that you don't need during the flight should go in the checked in luggage. Anything not completely solid is at risk of confiscation in the security check.

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