1. It’s interesting, Michael, since owning a Lexus, it’s amazing the number of Lexi you see around. Because that’s the plural.

  2. There's a Kasabian song that was included on a PSP demo, that always makes me think of the PSP. Also Chad Kruger's 'Hero' from Spider-Man 2, cause I had that film on UMD.

  3. Euphoria wasn't worth the wait, in my opinion, I prefer Taylor Made.

  4. He does have a point, why leave a country if it's so great?

  5. I’ve never read the book and unlike most people these days I do read. That being said, I’ve always heard that the book makes the Warriors look like chumps?

  6. They're not chumps, but they are a very different gang. For starters their ages range from 14 to 19, so they have that rebellious, anti-authoritarian trait who have to constantly prove themselves to eachother, but they still have that fear you have when you're a kid. They also do some despicable stuff, but the book never glamourises it.

  7. How hard is it to replace the screen? I have a good condition pap go only the screen got some serious scratches. But when turned on you can’t actually notice it. So does it worth the trouble to change it?

  8. It's fairly straightforward, tbh, just make sure you keep the screws separated. I'd recommend following the iFixit guide.

  9. They may be different shapes, but don’t all those plugs have male and female ports

  10. Who and why did they turn Randy into a Unicorn?

  11. Loved it. I'm conflicted about the Tupac AI - it's clever and original(ironically), but that man, not his mother, is here to approve or disapprove. Snoop is alive and well so he can react however.

  12. Good honestly. I got enough of contenders not fighting each other because they‘re sparring partners or something. Do your God damn job.

  13. Agreed, fighters shouldn't really have much of a say in who they fight. It's different if there are other fighters available, but if your goal is to be champ, then everyone is fair game.

  14. Does the seat look like it's too far left to anyone else?

  15. Absolutely. Looks like the seat rails haven't been installed correctly.

  16. Cause he cannot act. Either that or he was directed horribly.

  17. Snooker Championship 2005. It's the best snooker game ever made, and is perfect for a portable system.

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