1. She's 50 years old. She's had to have had something. Whatever she's had looks amazing, but don't act like you naturally look like this at 50. It's not possible.

  2. https://giphy.com/gifs/l1J9wKizQOn7ifyow

  3. Maybe infectious? How do you feel otherwise? Food from a food court? Too much caffeine? Something with artificial sweetener? Maybe stress from shopping and spending money? Take some Imodium before your event.

  4. Yes, take Imodium and don't eat anything until you get to your destination. I have to do this. It sucks but I have no choice.

  5. https://giphy.com/gifs/3o6ZtqG5RgfbmuyRbO

  6. This show got me through a bad depression. I binged the entire series twice.

  7. A Sourdough Jack and curly fries. Tastes so good but multiple trips to the bathroom afterward.

  8. Literally anything fried and steak/lamb. Steak and lamb isn’t high FODMAP though but I guess they’re just harder to digest and my stomach is a weak a** b**ch lmao

  9. I'm 46, and I go to Cordova Skating Rink with my sister all the time.

  10. i need to be more like you and branch out with my hobbies. have you gotten pretty good at skating?

  11. If I take a few months off, I'm a little wobbly at first.

  12. Anna Faris said after filming that she immediately gained back the weight she had to lose for the role. She starved herself for months and was miserable during filming.

  13. She definitely reads this sub. That's why she bought an LV as soon as she could cause we were roasting her about not getting one for her BD.

  14. Wow. Thanks. She still looks great for 73 imo.

  15. She's always been thin, but she uses a lot of filters on social media.

  16. Melt high calorie ice-cream and drink it.

  17. Well, just recently someone suggested putting castor oil in my belly button for constipation.

  18. Jessi needs to head for the hills. Jenna seems like the type to burn your house down, and god knows what else she is capable of. I'd get a restraining order.

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