1. Maybe play both scenarios forward in your mind and see if one feels more right for you than the other? Imagine life a year from now, three years from now, ten years from now, with and without kiddo? Hugs to you, friend.

  2. Disagree. I raised 4, while my husband owned a business and worked 12 hr days. We made it work. Now I know how hard it is to raise kids, and want to be there for my kids and grandkids. I had no help from my mother raising kids and that felt so lonely. I’m so happy to help with my grandkids, plus, they’re hilarious and so delightful! Your mom is really missing out.

  3. I think that if you’re too old to fly a plane, maybe you’re too old to run a whole country? When is it just boomers trying to hang on to power and money?

  4. In your second picture, the word ethereal comes to mind. You are naturally beautiful with zero makeup. Know that, and embrace it.

  5. The amount of time spent thinking will i drink today? Do I have enough? Where will I get it so I don’t go to the same store too much and look like an alcoholic even tho im well aware I am. 🫠

  6. There’s actually a book and blog called “Tired of Thinking About Drinking.” By Belle Robertson. I highly recommend, she’s gotten me to 27 days.

  7. He thought your pain was funny. He caused you agony, to amuse himself. Why are you with someone like that?

  8. I think Halle Berry has a daughter named Nala. I think it’s lovely.

  9. something else that has not been spoke about much is ... the neighbor said that they were aware of the neighbor being a bad person and have had problems there before... what did he mean by that?

  10. I wondered if this would be referring to previous calls to child services? I can’t remember where it was mentioned, it was soon after they were arrested, but there were references to neighbors calling police and child services, but that nothing was ever done. Now I’m wondering if it was Sheri and Rubys sisters calling police and not the neighbors? Idk, but maybe the neighbors saw stuff before and called for welfare checks, with no result.

  11. I’m 99% sure it was Kevin that talked about it during (I think) his second interview with law enforcement. I haven’t watched the interview in a bit so i’m slightly fuzzy on the details, but the gist of it is that Jodi claimed to be receiving direct word from god that they documented into what they called “The Pen Papers”. They believed these would eventually be made into official scripture. Jodi would go on spiritual trips, I guess you could call them, to heaven, and Ruby and Pam would physically accompany Jodi in the bedroom to support her and document her visions. During her spiritual trips to heaven, while god was telling her what I only imagine to be the wildest of shit, she got to ride around on her pet Lion named Charles. If cartoons like stevens universe are the image conjured from that, you’ve already got a good grasp on just how absurd it was. It sounds almost too comical to be true, but according to Kevin, it’s anything but false. They would even “Come out of the bedroom on cloud nine”.

  12. Yes, it was in one of Kevin’s interviews with investigators. So bizarre, and he believed it. SMH

  13. NTA. What if the guy pulls out a knife? Sounds like out of the 3 of you, you are by far the smartest. No need to put your life in danger for stuff like that. Man show your wife this post to get her back to reality.

  14. There was just a court case locally where two men were engaging in road rage behaviors on the highway, both were cutting each other off and weaving in and out through traffic. One of the men had a gun, drove along the passenger side of the other guys car and fired five times, killing him. One man is dead, and the other has been sent to prison. You never know who has a gun in the US! NTA OP.

  15. He showed her who he was, and she believed him.

  16. It seems like her daughter wasn’t important to Courtney either

  17. I had to explain to my husband exactly how much I was drinking and when. Before I did that, he didn’t think I had a problem at all, and didn’t see the need to clear all the booze out the house. It was easier for me to finally quit once I came clean and we had no alcohol in the house.

  18. He’d have had more credibility if he had shown up dressed in clothes that fit, minus the ridiculous hat, that he refused to take off so he kept fiddling with his head phones and just said, “Graham, I think you’re wrong about (a, b, and c) and here’s why. He was ridiculous.

  19. What phone calls? I searched YouTube but couldn't find any. Saw some of her texts but no calls

  20. Emily D Baker did a video on YouTube about the jail calls

  21. I think it speaks to the condition of his mind

  22. “I keep finding myself in the shower with a gun in my mouth” is the best, most extreme, response I’ve read in here.

  23. And they’ll never ask anyone that question ever again

  24. But, but ,but, they’re on the brink of divorce!

  25. I was reading "alcohol explained" and it made a good point about how overtime, we forget the negatives as much and dwell on the positive aspects of drinking. Can't remember what exactly he called it but it was pretty spot on for me. Enough time passes and you think "it wasn't that bad, I was just over blowing it." This along with alcohol being our default mechanisms for so many things, it's easy to go back to overtime.

  26. I’ve had a couple dreams where I drank, woke up in the morning so mad at myself only to realize I didn’t drink and still sober, and then so relieved 🤣🤣

  27. Same! Such a relief when I realized it was just a dream.

  28. Does it matter? The reality of it is, that when I drink, I lose control of myself, and do things I regret. Only way to make sure that doesn’t happen is don’t drink. IMO, there’s no need for any more analysis than that. If I don’t drink, then it doesn’t matter how I acted when I did. You are your behavior, so make sure that behavior won’t happen again.

  29. I guess I’m struggling with the idea that if I am my behavior, and I behaved that way many times, then maybe I’m just irredeemable at this point? It certainly feels that way sometimes.

  30. Nope! Totally redeemable! You’re taking steps so you don’t do it again. I think maybe as more times goes by maybe you won’t feel so cringy about it? Like, it’s so far in the rear view and not at all who you are anymore.

  31. A lot of it is confirmation bias. Like it's theoretically possible Jodi was using real parlor tricks like an illusionist, but it's more likely that she was doing much more mental things, reinforced by setting things up in a not particularly elaborate way. Like moving things closer the the edge of a shelf and letting gravity take its course - or just like you know, things fall, fans can blow stuff over, construction can be happening down the street, radiators can make weird noises - all sorts of random occurrences and outside noises that you write off or your brain filters out. But if someone is in a state of hypervigilance and being mentally manipulated to perceive and interpret this stuff in certain ways, they start using anything and everything as "evidence" of what they are being told to believe.

  32. I recently listened to Mormon Stories on YouTube, and they talked about how Mormons are conditioned to believe in things like demonic possession, and evil spirits. So if he already believed in oppression and influence of evil, then it’s not a leap that he would believe that every bump in the night or plate falling off the shelf is demons. Kind of like how some religious people believe the UFO or UAP phenomena are demons.

  33. There’s no such thing as a free boat. If it was worth something, they’d be selling it. This is a free albatross.

  34. These answers are the exact same answers to ‘my daughter wants a free horse’.

  35. It sounds like he doesn’t like opera and didn’t want to go. NTA. He can use his grown up words and just say “no, I don’t like opera AT ALL, and I don’t want to go” if that’s the case. He seems immature.

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