1. Btw this isn't accounting lr gamma support and other stuff she has avaible 🙏

  2. Hmmm 4 rainbow orbs (or at least i think it is his full dr) and almost 600k

  3. So this is what I went with her, is it decent?

  4. Pretty good, would replace the bronze with a raw def equip tho, 2 dodge points ain't impacting her like a bronze equip does 👍

  5. For the time that it came out, phy gogeta’s eza was very good for red zone, though the active skill condition continued to hold it back. 

  6. Teq gogeta was kinda fine because he was litteraly top 2 in the game with str vegito even if design wise he wasn't that much different, while phy gogeta was trash painted gold by the fact all other units were trash at the time

  7. The biggest issue for me was that he dropped 4 months after str Vegito, but he felt much worse, except for a bit more defense. 

  8. That's the main reason why I don't give full crit to a lot of my units, especially older ones, when they EZA nowadays it's pretty likely that they'll have built in crit chance.

  9. I got 611 stones saved and even more once I complete these eza stages + new red zone. I really want Beast, as well as Gogeta and Broly. Should I do a few summons on this banner, chat?

  10. Jp shafted. Can we sync so jp can get these discounted multis 😂.

  11. Actually last year we had synced banners/1:1 banners and we lost discounts

  12. You'll wank him anyways, might as well not pull any punches I guess

  13. You won't stop me from facing omatsu and kill him before sync happens

  14. She's pretty great on jp, lr gammas support, phy buuhan, eza mr buu, lr ribrianne giant form, phy ribrianne having like 2 mil def and 88% dodge, lr bulma

  15. I absolutely will redo toppo, need to figure out his setup, because I tend to only consider his partner support, but he is on a team with like 3 different loops of supports so is kind of tricky to get the proper average. Will definitely come up with something for him

  16. Was thinking this (int ginyu is a placeholder for the lr) as a max but you could tone it down replacing lr ginyu force with lr ribrianne in a scenario where you don't pull them since the force would be quite new yet and replace gamma 1 with phy ribrianne cause she's a fucking goat

  17. we couldn't know before the DDL, and even now, I'm not 100% sure since private servers are a little bit unreliable when weird combinations of passives occur. If this ends up working like in the PS right now, then yes, his active turn with 96M is only possible in slot 2

  18. Couple of guys did check out goku's passive in japanese and compared it to maj and bluesions

  19. I think toppo might be better but special pose is an unfair anomaly

  20. That placement is gonna haunt me for the rest of this ranking… isn’t it?

  21. I will give them another shot today and report back… for the culture

  22. Thinking AGL SSJ3 is a strictly slot 1 unit is crazy when he can get 1mil+ def with high dmg reduction while dishing out respectable dmg in slot 2 for the first 5 turns and on turn 7 he can do the active skill and get like 800-900k in slot 1 with guard and 30% dmg reduction.

  23. Bro on t5 he has 45% dr cause his dr works like golden frieza and he has worse def than (modern) gamma 1 in slot 2, he needs a triple super to match gamma 1's single super and on t7 he'll be infinitely worse

  24. He is made to be slot 2 but happens to have a slot 1 ability, essentially like 8th years but on steroids in terms of early slot 1 tanking

  25. He's kinda fun, his role is to do damage for majin power (when the team lacks fire power, especially no bbb buuhan) and allows to get the revive much more easily

  26. I was thinking of the Divine Wrath & Mortal Will one, where Fusion Zamasu, Vegito Blue, CMZ and SoH Trunks were all one phase. But yeah fuck that Red Zone too.

  27. Remember last year’s WWDC when the new event had FUCKING 4 OF THEM BACK TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK?

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