1. Not to mention the long stretch of bahia vista and beneva + bahia vista and honore that has been completely torn up for over a year. It's embarrassing, what is the excuse to leave it that way for so long?

  2. Hope that roundabout doesn’t have curbs. Let go of the steering wheel after you initiate it and catch it when you’re at angle. Can be pretty counter intuitive at first

  3. Top mains voting no on every single election

  4. Maybe this will finally remind top laners that the rest of the map exists, not just big lane and krugs

  5. Only thing I can say is watch the VOD, other than that calling Raptors chickens is my new favorite thing.

  6. I still call them wraiths, but my buddies have all been playing long enough to understand me lol

  7. I haven’t been around for wraiths but when people call krugs “golems” it just sounds wrong

  8. This is kinda right and wrong, if you're jungler is behind take as few camps as possible make sure they arent going to get it before it would respawn if you do take it

  9. The mana hungry bird needs all my blues

  10. Why, did they change the Pass Go reward to $218 to keep up with inflation?

  11. I wonder which champ would have the lowest sup wr after a decent sample size

  12. I was thinking fiora also. W max could be interesting but she needs gold to be useful

  13. Even if the gank is successful I'll take the wave if the laner gets the kill lol

  14. This is fine but make sure if its toplane that you’re not fucking over their freeze or wave state !!! You will lose them the whole lane even if you get the kill

  15. I used to be a midlaner but I switched to top and I've seen a lot more success there... so I am biased but here are my thoughts:

  16. Literally just play darius lmao. Dude is the boogeyman of low elo.

  17. Yup. You could probably manage a 50% winrate if you just read his kit in

  18. I spin like 350-430 clockwise and I’m right handed, I just can’t spin counter clockwise

  19. You have to do blue and gromp at the same time but you can die to them easily

  20. Hm fair enough. When I play him I play it less like a front liner and more like a diver, focus enemy carry first, because when I pick Rhaast the enemy team often only has 1 real carry anyway so if I get to them the teamfight is won automatically. I never tried the lethality version. I guess maybe this playstyle was only possible because of the overtuned damage anyway? Should move rhaast back into his intended role then I suppose.

  21. that’s exactly why i love top it’s the most common lane for both junglers to totally ignore and you just get to 1v1

  22. Fr if you don’t want to 1v1 or are looking to play a team game, don’t play top lane

  23. Not all the time but occasionally if I already took care of all my stuff and I’m into the game, I’ll play a game from when I wake up to when i go to bed

  24. Looks like I won't be able to buy the cars I want when I grow up... I'm only 15 :(

  25. It's Nunu for me. I feel like I like tank junglers and love the idea of his kit. I watch other people play it and it looks so easy, but when I play him I turn into a 2 year old playing a driving simulator. I crash into every wall, whiff giant snowballs the size of half the map, and interrupt my ults. It's next level bad, but once a year or so I play Nunu only to be reminded of the epic pain all over again.

  26. I’m not a jungler or a nunu player, but I’ve tried him in practice tool. His snowball is very clunky and jittery, feels like I’m playing at 10fps

  27. Karthus. I’m fine at playing lane karthus, but as soon as i lock him jgl, my fingers fall off and i die to raptors on first clear

  28. You guys are meat riding RC harder than the one’s defending him

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