1. I don’t disagree. I’ve listened to one or two episodes and it is unbearable. She doesn’t add anything redeeming to the LPOTL network I’m sorry……

  2. I’m listening to Roundtable for the first time and it’s crazy how much Ben’s personality has changed since 2010. He used to be coherent, a leader in the group, and someone who actually contributed to what was going on. Around what time did he turn into the “big, dumb goofball”? I’ve only been listening since 2020.

  3. Honestly as funny he could be on those episodes listening to them made me dislike him a lot more, he could be such a creep to some of the women guests and said some pretty gross stuff that looks bad in hindsight. I know being inappropriate was basically the point of the Roundtable but some of his comments just went too far for me.

  4. I was definitely thinking about this when listening to the lpotl series. I think the Dollop (especially the early eps) just had a tendency to do a very surface-level reading of their topics. They've gotten better at doing deeper dives as they've gone on but they definitely don't delve into topics the same way lpotl does and that can result in them just essentially accepting the popular narrative for a lot of stories.

  5. I didn’t need the dissertation & your patronizing smug reply. I enjoy the bs fluff when it’s peppered with the actual story telling of the bastard as it moves forward. Get over yourself & your ridiculous opinion or remove the stick from your condescending stan ass. Are Robert & Jamie paying your bills or something? Next time just scroll past.

  6. That seems like a silly reason for them not to do their own episode. I would still love to hear their take.

  7. I think they’d do a good episode, it would be fun. Bully is an understatement. He was a terror. The criminal justice system failed to protect the people around him and honestly I’m glad he was killed, he deserved it. rest in piss lol

  8. Village Green and Arthur are neck and neck for me. All depends on my mood.

  9. I love Arthur too, but Village Green means more to me if that makes sense. I think a lot of it has to do with where my head was the first time I heard it. Songs like Animal Farm or Picture Book articulated my inner thoughts and feelings more concisely than I ever could alone.

  10. Island Pub on Douglas is my favorite spot to eat in town, the pizza is fantastic and the salmon dip is the best I've ever had.

  11. Please please talk to someone and seek treatment for this. You deserve to live. You have good in You.

  12. I've been in the same boat as you tbh, moved here a few years ago and I've found it pretty difficult to meet people. In my experience the ultimate Frisbee rec games have been a pretty reliable way, they have games every Sunday at Thunder Mountain High School. Feel free to DM if you'd be interested in getting a drink or going on a hike or something like that, I'm a 23 year old guy and I'm always down to meet some new people.

  13. I feel like his comics are always either completely amazing or the worst thing I've ever read.

  14. White panel van, no windows on the side, creepy ass markings.

  15. I have no doubt the guy that owns that is a creepy asshole, but you would have to be incredibly stupid to attempt something like that in such a "distinctive" vehicle.

  16. Makes me think of the truck from Kill Bill. And we all know what that guy got up to...

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