1. Já. Tentaram roubar o meu carro...eh pá fugi c as chaves para um café e chamaram a policia e apanharam um deles. Fui para tribunal não deu em grande coisa como sempre.

  2. Imagine having a pretty good week at the seniors home when Oscar the cat walks in and sits down...

  3. Yeah, this very same comment is said every single time someone posts this.

  4. My old filament does this. When I put my not so old one it works perfectly.

  5. I recently was gifted an Ender 3 pro from a friend who was trying to get into 3D printing but ultimately decided that the hobby was not for her. While setting it up I can not seem to figure out how to get the first layer to print right. The bed is level using a piece of paper in between the nozzle and bed while heated but my first layer while it adheres well is spaced like under extrusion. If I print a larger model and not just a bed level test it seems to print fine but it still seems odd. Is there a setting to change to achieve a better squish on the bed? It’s almost like the X and Y positions are slightly off. In my slicer it shows all the lines should be connected where they run parallel but they are spaced apart when it prints. The small squares also are not filling in correctly. If I move the bed closer I have issues with the filament under extruding due to not enough space between the nozzle and build plate. I tried calibrating my E steps and they seem correct.

  6. What's this Z offset people talk about? Is it a setting? What is it for? Do you or could you not just level your bed instead?

  7. Dumb me would make a whole cylinder and then make another shape to cut the top with the revolve tool

  8. Isso é porque só nos desenhos animados é que usam espadas nas costas.

  9. I think you rotated the word horizontally. Do it again and you'll get YOU instead of UOY.

  10. The world is designed for humans. A sufficiently advanced humanoid robot could drive an old car, pilot a helicopter, walk up stairs, and turn doorknobs. No other form is as broadly useful

  11. Having a humanoid robot operating a machine instead of making that machine automated is not efficient.

  12. Its clawed feet can disembowel you as easy as you can cut butter with a 200ºC knife.

  13. I think you should put another glass bed above the magnetic bed and then put a whole new magnetic bed above that glass bed.

  14. Dude, it already replaces tons of human labor, what are you talking about.

  15. O ideal, para mim, é um aperto firme, não com força nem deixar ali a mão a parecer esparguete demasiado cozinhado, tem de ser um aperto al dente.

  16. Eu faço por fora quando saio na primeira saída.

  17. É permitido e fazem-no quando dá jeito. Mas se o fizerem tem que ceder a passagem a quem vem de dentro, coisa que nunca fazem e ainda ficam todos chateados se forem apertados ou levarem uma buzinadela.

  18. Não tens a carta de condução? Se tens e não pagaste para te darem a carta aprendes que quem está a sair do estacionamento não tem prioridade, portanto quem está mal és tu.

  19. Que interessa ? Quando travas sentes os seios nas tuas costas, é indiferente!

  20. Esse argumento também funciona ao contrário. Compra a PS5 que sempre te entretens só compras a mota 2 meses mais tarde mas até lá podes ir jogando, este pensamento é problemático se rebentarem tudo em jogos

  21. Damn, I had no idea Hitler was the man behind mass immigration ... Praise the man who killed him, amen 🙏

  22. a primeira, a segunda parece-me parola com as cores e o design

  23. Concordo com a tua opinião da segunda, mas a primeira parece que foi desenhada pelo palhaço que fez aquela bandeira de 2 quadrados e um circulo utilizando o paint. A moeda está ridícula.

  24. They're just specks of dust, bruh, not full on dirty. Some of the dustiness you see through the camera is barely visible to the naked eye.

  25. yeah I watched every second of the cutscenes and the story is kinda shit but I don't care I don't play this for the story

  26. To me, the Vermund story is like the first half of a political intrigue story that never gets finished. The Battahl story is like the middle third of an entirely separate adventure story. Then everything from the Gigantus on seems like the final 5% of the Battahl story.

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