1. Oh geez. First off. I’m so sorry for your loss. You def have the right to grieve this as much as everyone else. Being together with everyone right now is super crucial in the next few hours and days. How is your daughter doing? That’s major as well! Any of the kids involved need everyone around them too. Suicide is so confusing and it leaves many unanswered questions. That’s why you need each other. Please reach out to any support from outside sources. I hate when people talk about their stories, but I witnessed my sisters husband take his life. He did it at her house when we were all there for my nieces birthday party. His brother was trying to talk him out of it and I saw through the window on the phone with 911. We all were left in shambles and disbelief. Maybe this is God telling me to read this right now at the right time to share this. I remember all of those feelings and thoughts. I can literally feel everything your are saying through my phone. That day was something like a movie. I can’t even describe it. You don’t know me but if you need to send me a private message, I can be a person with a similar experience that may bring some comfort if you have any questions. I will put you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. You will get through this…. 🙏🏽

  2. Thank you and I’m so sorry you had to witness that and go through all that pain. It’s so hard to believe that this is actually happening.

  3. So sorry for your loss. You do have every right to grieve. The love you had for someone does not go away, it may change in the type, intensity or how it is expressed, but it remains. You will get through this, you must for your daughter. She needs you to help her through this tragic loss of her dad. Hopefully your current husband has had time to think, and will be more supportive. If he can’t be supportive, maybe he will at least be quiet. Dig deep and find the strength for your daughter. It’s a terrible way to lose a father and she will need a strong mom to help get her through these difficult days.

  4. I’m really trying. This feels like a really bad dream that I need to wake up from. I just want to be there for my daughter for whatever she needs but right now she’s barely speaking. It’s like she just shut down. She’s in nursing school and has steadily been on the deans list and I’m worried she won’t be able to focus on school at at. I feel like I just don’t know what to do from here.

  5. In front of his mom that shits on him about it. Shitty choice by OP's wife who has to be aware of this.

  6. This is so fkd up. I’ll never understand how a mother could do something like that to her own children. There’s got to be something seriously wrong with her head. I feel so bad for those kids, can’t even imagine the fear they must of felt. So sad.

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