1. Well, there's no way for me, a random redditer to know what actually happened. Hopefully nothing bad happened. But try to use this as a learning experience. Be aware of what you are drinking, esp if there's drugs or booze around. Note, I am not blaming you, I'm just saying it's a lesson to learn. Yes, in theory, a woman should not have to worry about her safety, but that's not the world we live in. Bottom line is , you have no evidence, just a gut feeling, so I hope you aren't telling this story around in real life and potentially damaging the reputation of an innocent man.

  2. I never said it was a gut feeling. I said I felt physically sore. If you were a woman who has ever had sex, you would understand what that feels like.

  3. I know the feeling, but I will also say I've had that feeling from numerous other things in my lifetime. I think it's fair enough for you to question it since you woke up with that feeling with no recollection of why. Did you check your sheets with a blacklight? Or have you already washed them and can't do so?

  4. What other things make you feel that way? It would be really helpful if you could list everything you can think of, I'd love to be able to explain that feeling away.

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