1. Their goal is to pass a state law saying gay marriage is illegal then get the case to SCOTUS in the hope they overturn Obergefell since that decision relied on Roe v Wade which has already been overturned.

  2. This is that slippery slope people have been talking about. They're not going to stop until they are back to the original construction. With only the second amendment.

  3. Of course the police have the right to execute you at any time for exercising your second amendment right though.

  4. When you say a "republican morals test" I was expecting a test to make sure that you don't have any...

  5. No. Schools only care about your VWO exam grades. Mostly even only what subjects you took.

  6. But Trump is clearly ashamed to be white, why else would he wear orange face?

  7. Oompa loompa face. He's a giant fan of chocolate factories.

  8. The f a flight is canceled they will book you on anything available. Even if it's an airline from a different alliance.

  9. 6.4 says there's a 1 month notice. So he's exactly 1 year too late to increase rent by July 2023

  10. Bij een 3 fase stroom voor een motor heb je geen nul nodig

  11. Ja... Ik heb het over de "230V tussen fase en nul". Dat kan niet zonder nul.

  12. Throwing rocks at a moving car has killed people before. If your incident could cause death, can it be considered attempted murder or something like that? If they know how bad you could make things happen, then it would be logical for them to settle for much less, unless they want their kids to go to prison.

  13. Attempted murder is a police/prosecutor thing. You can't charge someone with it in a civil case.

  14. This weekend is national mill days. You can go visit a windmill.

  15. Decathlon. In the grote markstraat, city center.

  16. Maar wel potentieel 13000 huishoudens die gehuisvest kunnen worden.

  17. Nee. Alleen in de 4 tot 5 duizend woningen die door beleggers worden gebruikt. De rest staat dus leeg vanwege verkoop of verbouwing.

  18. Personally I think they should serve as long range bombard units, with appropriate animations. At least this way the AI could use them.

  19. Much easier to just change the unit. Plus, I'm not convinced people actually want better AI. Wait until you're dropping from Deity to King, and getting dog piled because it's strategically savvy.

  20. I'd rather play at a lower difficulty because the AI is too smart on deity.

  21. Small/dense housing prices are strictly regulated, while large houses are unregulated. So it's much more profitable to build large or luxery housing.

  22. You can have free seat selection for the basic seats when you check in.

  23. Ik geef aan dat de installateur met een oplossing kan komen, omprikken naar een andere fase kan wel degelijk helpen.

  24. Tijdelijk. Maar dat is niet het probleem van de installateur.

  25. Zo simpel is het niet om te vergelijken met Wi-Fi, als blijkt dat fase 2 nooit boven 235v komt en fase 1 altijd rond 253v zit te schommelen heb je genoeg ruimte voor omprikken.

  26. Tsja. Dan wissel je naar die andere fase en dan zet iemand daar ook zonnepanelen op.

  27. But... Regular turkeys will try to murder you too, mean ass birds

  28. Cats also try to murder you. It's cute because they can't. But I won't be defending my sandwich from a lion or a tiger.

  29. I was simply able to get cash from the atm with my credit card. The daily limit isn't very high though.

  30. Often, the limiting factor is the amount of days of (paid) leave you can have per year. So getting another job won't help in many cases. In my country, the law enforces 24 days of paid leave per year for a full time job (40 h per week). Many companies give you a few more, but almost none provides more than 30.

  31. I'm getting 40. But yes, most full time jobs don't allow for 3 months of travel.

  32. The obvious solution is to get a job that does allow you to travel more. But you're asking in the travel sub...

  33. I was B moving to 2, A cut me off almost crushing into me, luckily we were both moving slowly coming out of a red light. I honked (I don't remember the last time I did that), at the next lights the driver came out of their car and was yelling and waving with his hands and I didn't even understand what their point was.

  34. Happens a lot. Especially if your the 1st car at the light. Some people got their license for free with 2 boxes of laundry detergent.

  35. Dat is als je een koopwoning bezit, met huren kan je werken waar je wilt.

  36. Ik weet niet of je de huurmarkt hebt gezien... Tenzij je een huur budget hebt van 2k per maand (voor Amsterdam) is het vrij lastig om even wat anders te vinden.

  37. Je kan beter werk zoeken in de buurt van je huis, dan een huis in de buurt van je werk.

  38. Profits this quarter are worth going out of business after I cashed by fat bonus. - most executives.

  39. How long before Poland is just calling for a unified EU military?

  40. Germany: Sure, now you want us to send tanks.

  41. It's worth it it your budget allows you to also get a fast gpu. Or if you plan to get a top of the line gpu later.

  42. https://www.brandweer.nl/nieuws/is-de-brandkraan-in-jouw-buurt-zichtbaar/

  43. Dit is zo handig! Kun je me helpen: hoe kan ik dit voorbeeld het beste lezen?

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