1. The gear select and the speed indicator are also in the top left of the tablet in the middle. I hate this car so much.

  2. Keep in mind that that dude probably has nothing besides those two ranger squads. They're ludicrously expensive. Basically if you see his rangers somewhere go elsewhere to fuck his shit up. The MP drain on rangers is so massive you'll send him back minutes trying to reinforce those squads.

  3. You pick one model and continue saving on that model for the rest of the phase until either it's dead or there are no more attacks to allocate.

  4. I love FPS driving. Only reason I go third sometimes is to appreciate the views or the sound of the car.

  5. Yeah, once I got used to it and know when to slow down and when it's safe to go fast I don't think I can go back to 3rd person camera while driving.

  6. I also get mildly upset when people say the driving sucks but I also see them trying to take a corner at like 110kph

  7. Saw stuff from him pass in the 40k subs calling him a tourist grifter. Seems that still rings true.

  8. Let me tell you tales of 7th edition...

  9. I once played a game against Orks who used the green tide formation. One squad of like 200 models. Congalined into my front and now it was a blob that couldn't be shot anymore.

  10. The ynnari in late 7th. Every time a unit died they got an action. Every time a unit died

  11. I take the steam train to Germany a few times a year and the only times we have delays is in god damn Germany. One time we were home almost 6 hours behind schedule. By the time I got home it was almost 2AM. Screw you DB.

  12. Im sure 'diluted' was meant to be 'deluded' but it is a good point nevertheless. Diluted by what exactly.

  13. People seem to think they run faster than a helicopter or something

  14. Did some quick digging, the answer is both. In a full gait both of them can reach 100kph but for either it's not a great idea as it causes damage to either body or equipment.

  15. Ik ben tegen de doodstraf voor iedereen. En dat zijn heel erg veel mensen ook. Ik denk dat je overschat hoe veel mensen voor de doodstraf zijn.

  16. Zag laatst voorbij komen dat het blijkbaar duurder is dan iemand levenslang vast te houden en ergers vind ik het nog wreder ook. Een leven lang door een raam kunnen kijken naar buiten maar er nooit meer bij kunnen.

  17. Although as with many bullpups the whole series are right hand only the A1 was the worst of the family by a long way. Most of the reliability issues were solved by the A2 model and the A3 was a decent improvement off that. Though I am bloody glad they got updated in time and I never had to use the A1 in combat.

  18. A friend of mine has the A1 in an Airsoft version (yeah you're allowed to cringe) and the mag release was very authentic. Just dropped to the ground when I looked down the sight 🤣

  19. You forgot the very important 2nd half. Everything is canon, not everything is true.

  20. Like, it’s not a prerequisite to understand those things anywhere else but in the US — specifically taxes and 401K. You just get your salary and things are taken care of for you.

  21. Not not pay taxes, but in most places you don’t deal with taxes as a salaryman. In the US you need to file taxes even as a salaryman, and pay companies to help you deal with that.

  22. You most certainly still deal with taxes as a salary man outside of the US, at the very least in The Netherlands. Every year I have to file them. Lucky it's made waaay more convenient and my financial situation is dead easy so I don't have to spend multiple days doing them or paying an outside company to do them for me.

  23. Chipping as in paint damage or weathering effect? Either do a clear coat or don't do the weathering it looks amazing as is

  24. Paint damage! As in the nose (orange ring) for example it should have paint gone due to the drill.

  25. Could. But I wouldn't feel pressured to do it. It looks better than anything I've ever painted that's for sure!

  26. Put whatever you want in your body. There are potential consequences and it's annoying if you make it your whole personality, but it's ultimately up to you.

  27. I feel like people forget that there's further consequences for buying/using drugs. South America is quite literally in shambles over cocaine. The middle east is the biggest exporter of the illegal opium market and guess where that money goes? Hint, it's not the government.

  28. Die andere uitrusting in de VS heeft natuurlijk ook te maken met het feit dat daar veel meer wapens onder burgers in omloop zijn.

  29. De reden van de ARs en dergelijke heeft meer te maken met dat de Amerikaanse burger ook gewoon kevlar vesten kan kopen. Er was begin jaren 90 volgens mij een bank overval waar de politie eigenlijk niet veel tegen kon doen want de overvallers hadden lagen kevlar aan waar je U tegen zegt. Hun revolvers (ja ze gebruikte nog revolvers toen want je moet iets doen om je mannelijk te voelen) en volgens mij waren het Baretas destijds deden ook vrij weinig.

  30. "You're now entering the K Hole. Your blood is pumping but your body is paralyzed. You are trapped inside the echoes of your thoughts. What you are about to experience is something that you will never be able to explain. Can you really be sure you are who you think you are? Can you really be sure you are who you think you are? At this point, you are as close to death as you will be. Until you die.

  31. Well I spent 2 months building and painting mine . So enjoy the time you haven't spent on it.

  32. This'd make even the most lactose resistant warriors shit their pants with a fury only matched by god being outsmarted by Mormons in the bedroom.

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