1. At first I was a Hanzo main, then they removed scatter and I realised I was shit. Now I'm a idk what support character main

  2. How many elders and how many co leaders are there in the clan? All I can suggest is demote all elders in groups of let's say 5 to try and weed out an imposter there. But if you're having that much difficulty he may be getting invited back by more than just one person.

  3. P2W is not when the ONLY way to get something is behind a pay wall. It's also when upgrading something for free takes a horrendous length of time. Take Star Wars Battlefront II for example, you could've unlocked everything for free, in like a year of constant playing, but everything that was strong required you to grind an unruly amount of time or pay up. That's P2W. Or even take a look at brawl stars where strong shit takes a very long time to get or you pay up. That's similar to what's going on with Hero equipments. Yes you don't need them, but a barbarian king with a giant gauntlet is much stronger than a barbarian king with a rage vial and a puppet. That provides players a huge advantage in things like clan wars. Essentially making paying required if you want to be at your most competitive state with maxed everything because ores are limited and a hassle.

  4. Could you expand? What else does it do for those that are newer and don’t know.

  5. Are you just trying not to get Vivian players to hate you by putting her so high?

  6. L&L, Edgar, Fang, Any assassin, Edgar, BS Matchmaking, Having to play low level characters for challenges and get matched up against High level characters, Edgar

  7. When I first played it I knew it was quite possibly the best game I've ever played. Then I finished it and it was the best game I've ever played. But now 2 years later Cyberpunk struck me in a different way so Elden Ring is only now my second favourite game of all time. Still going to buy the DLC and maybe that changes my order :)

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