1. Vegetables and legumes for lunch and dinner, dried+fresh fruit+hot tea for snacks and little to no sweets/chocolate/cookies/cake etc. If you already had your snacks and you still feel like you're craving something, just have a sugarfree mint candy. At least that's what worked for me. Make sure you are properly nourished, though!

  2. Hi — this is super late but I was just wondering what your experience ended up being with the Nexplanon? I just got mine :)

  3. What boric acid do you use! Is it helpful? Sorry I’ve been looking everywhere for something related to boric acid and experiences with it

  4. I just use the generic cvs brand! it works like a charm most of the time

  5. I really don’t think it’s as bad as everyone says at all. I just got my first one done about three months ago and it was the best thing ever! I have a long distance bf too and it helps bc you’re able to let the hair grow before your next appointment, and ir gradually starts growing back slower and slower

  6. This was worse for me with my ex, but fine with my current boyfriend. I do like it sit in a few inches of water after sex when I can. That seems to help alot

  7. This happened to me for a while and then it just randomly stopped and became normal again. Women’s bodies are weird

  8. Then you should know that the reason for that is because of female anatomy and the digestive tract being so close to the urethra. During sex and fluid exchange, no matter how clean, bacteria can more easily end up where they don’t belong. So you can be squeaky clean from the shower and still get UTI. It can also happen from hormone imbalance and introduction of someone else’s sperm or lube from condoms can contribute.

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