1. Serious question: What do you think was the reason for his actions? Extreme social anxiety and the fender bender tipped him over the edge? Does he get beat at home and knows he fucked up big time? Every time I see this video I just wish I knew what was going on in his head lmao

  2. Dude. 99% is like 7 billion people. No way he KOs that many in two elbows.

  3. Considering he’s a world class fighter, I bet he could though

  4. i keep mine in my ass so even if they catch me butt naked im still not lacking

  5. Imagine a country where you think a word is a "bomb" ... A bomb guys? Ask people in gaza what a fucking bomb is...

  6. You were the only person talking about bombs

  7. Buddy is saying a bunch of sweet nothings.

  8. I thought so too. It was giving Kung-fu Panda or Mulan. Leaning more towards Mulan

  9. Tsu reminds me of soup and it resembles a face looking down into a bowl of it

  10. All I can think about is what those last couple seconds looked through flying dude’s eyes

  11. Fucking idiot busted himself a new asshole! Or jean hole, I guess

  12. We at the point people are just laughing and running. This is the most dystopian shit

  13. I told myself a week ago to be prepared for this bullshit

  14. ‘Rubber Bands & Weight’ but you might be disappointed to find out most of the songs that these snippets are for got their beats changed before release. Including Rubber Bands & Weight

  15. If I’m not mistaken, it was just a snippet of Rubber Bands & Weight and they later changed the beat before the release. I honestly prefer the snippets instrumental, super smooth

  16. It was awesome. A much different approach comparatively to his first two studio releases but goddamn it was just as good! Once again, I look forward to his next film more and more every day. I can only imagine how insane it’s going to be

  17. I’m in America and I too am struggling to find it online

  18. I found one similar that kohls is selling right now but it’s not the same

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