1. the type of people who always announce how theyre not offended by generalisations, because they know its caused "by behavior of other members of the group", not them personally, somehow always seem to get offended when a generalisation is made about whatever other (supposedly) marginalized group they feel the need to defend tho

  2. I am not irate I am just sad and disappointed that the trust between men and women seems to be at an all time low (and it goes both ways, men are also getting paranoid about women exploiting them for "money and status", with all the hypergamy shit going around)

  3. The first spell I faced this set was a Turn 2 mana drain…

  4. that was my first sealed match as well, only it was turn 3 and they followed it up with a bonnie

  5. to be fair, the kid would run up in his face and take pictures, ask to see his scar, try to get autographs in public, tried to take pictures of ron throwing up slugs. just be chill and say what's up in the common room you share lol

  6. literally anybody who is thinking "why doesnt harry befriend collin" needs to re-read the second book. collin basically is like the worlds most annoying paparazzi and treats harry like a celebrity he adores. he doesnt even really try to become "friends" with harry. he learns harrys schedule, follows him around like a stalker, tries to talk to him any chance he gets, and constantly takes pictures. Often even when Harry straight up tells him to leave him alone. Imagine you're the most famous guy at school and the new kid you dont even know learns your schedule to say hi every time you leave a classroom and constantly wants to take your picture, are you gonna try to befriend that kid lmfao

  7. I don't think Snakeskin Veil is particularly good card for the format. Green's best creatures already have massive protection from removal. It is just too much to have Veil when red and blue already cry when they see a Cactarantula or Spinewoods Armadillo.

  8. man, Ive tried red/blue a couple of times and every time my opponent is on the play and just curves out and ramps into paladins, cactarantula and armadillos I do just want to cry

  9. I havent quite finished it, but I honestly think where we are at right now with TV shows is just pathetic. Is Fallout bad? No, it isnt, I think the aesthetics, atmosphere and music do the games justice (for the most part), but in terms of acting, story, dialogue, character writing, its just all so... mid. It leaves A LOT to be desired. Its like, we dont even have any expectations anymore with TV shows, we are just happy when they dont completely suck ass, particularly with videogame adaptations.

  10. I remember TV adaptations of games usually sucking, like the Resident Evil movies.

  11. true, videogame adaptations have sucked for a long time, but I think a lot of the older crappier movies at least have a B-movie-esque charme to them that makes them a blast to watch with friends.

  12. a bunch of southeast asian brown kids marching to the most famous prussian military anthem while calling themselves hitler youth, quite hilarious ngl

  13. i honestly think he could just do the same thing, but in more of a video essay form (less skits for sure). he's still funny and witty, and has charisma.

  14. isnt it kind of funny how even back then most people fucking hated skits, but somehow ALL the online reviewers were doing them? spoony wasnt even that bad about it, cause he actually did have some funny ones, but they pretty much always overstay their welcome and get incredibly obnoxious when you rewatch a video. I am not even sure how I managed to finish a single nostalgia critic video back in the days with doug producing some of the unfunniest and longest skits known to man

  15. when youre in a writing pointless articles competition and your opponent is whoever wrote this shit

  16. this type of "good cause, incredibly stupid way of doing it" social activism is like peak western europe, in germany the green party is the #1 proponent for this shit

  17. Sekiros is like "sword-ballet" once you get to the point where you are finally forced to learn how combat actually works (happened for me when facing Genichiro, simply could not beat him until I gave up trying to do things "my way"/brute-force my way through)

  18. many asian languages like japanese or chinese have literally no spaces at all, be grateful we still use some smh

  19. not sure tbh but I can tell you that facing vaultborn tyrant in limited is a horrible experience

  20. sadly havent pulled off anything to crazy myself, but had a few ridiculous things happen to me

  21. Prisoner of Azkaban is one of the worst films in the franchise. I hated Cuaron’s style and Radcliffe’s acting was terrible.

  22. I mean, there is a difference in terms of presentation, the southerners are just better at making their food look appetizing imo. plus they just have better vegetables and fruits available, usually

  23. my very first sealed game I got my 3 drop mana drained and they played a 6 drop on their turn, felt like I was playing vintage cube lmfao

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