1. Mammoth can turns it's head and get leverage, a Uhal is static.

  2. brother, this is just regular black clothing 4 sizes too big for you with a tight belt

  3. It's crazy you went from hating men staring at you to sexually assaulting a cop in a single week

  4. What a sweet guy, I can never remember his name right cuz I always think it's Amari Dijon, but I was with him for a photo shoot when he had a phoenix in a cage probably 4 years ago and his work is just incredible.

  5. I’m not saying he isn’t important, and he was right to say that, what I’m saying is I feel he acted like he had all the power and ironically acted in the way he accused Makoto of being, naive. That’s why I say he acted to cocky he was warned but ignored it and almost made a very dangerous enemy for all of hyumanity

  6. He did have all the power, and Makoto was naive, in the books, that's the whole point

  7. Exactly!, that is precisely the point of the character and of all that interaction!, and no, it is not controversial at all, anyone with a minimum of reading comprehension would understand it.

  8. Yup, people that wanted him to exert physical force either are very immature or didn't read the books.

  9. Yknow, I wasn't happy when Mrs. Obama messed with our lunches, and I definitely ignored the veggies forced on us, but we never had anything this disrespectful and we at least had food trays lmfao

  10. Can anyone help me understand why Makoto didn't he just say he could teleport the goods at the beginning?

  11. Because teleporting being a possibility for merchants will bring a lot of unwanted and negative attention to him.

  12. I assumed it was already a possibility considering how the guild master easily accepted it, just that it's way too expensive and difficult, but that may just be because of how the anime paced it.

  13. Root is 10k-ish years old, and well versed with other worlders and the second strongest in the world after the Goddess.

  14. mangadex is my go to for almost a thousand series, tsukimichi included

  15. 1 in 6 men will assault someone. But it's not at all about assault. You in your own post just basically implied women overreact. This somes into work culture as well. When women bring forward opposition in team projects it's more likely to be seen as emotional than based on thier skill set. And skill set is shaped by experiences

  16. I would be happy to find out where your "1 in 6 men will assault someone" statistic comes from

  17. Getting micro-fractures isn’t a thing all men fear or struggle with either. Women have to do the same thing to become a decent person that men have too. And becoming someone of value? wtf does that mean? Value to who? Guys need to stop being obsessed with being worth something to someone else. Be worth something to yourself.

  18. Guys will stop being obsessed with being worth something when women stop viewing men as an object with a monetary value.

  19. Excited to see Makoto beating him. I am good if it is just implied. Thank you

  20. I hate the word trigger, but I also have a similar thing in this case.

  21. In front of Makoto he is just a mob isn't he. It is also my 2nd favourite. It is good that he doesn't get much screentime. Thank you.

  22. Yeah, you could consider Makoto as a mob, that's how he considers himself

  23. "Just say you're uncreative, you fucking redneck, right wing, lazy eyed, sister fucking bastard."

  24. Just because your wife make you cook and clean and have Chad over to do your wife . Doesn’t mean my wife does those things .

  25. This isn't even English anymore, goodluck, Mr. Indian Bot

  26. I am an Indian . I am an American born and raise in America. Luck to have found a wife like mine . Who is beautiful, and puts up with me . Something I don’t think you understand of have . Please feel free to think than . Now let me enjoy this amazing dinner she cook

  27. That's crazy that you try to lie and say you've been born and raised American but can't speak English

  28. There's a major difference between people *saying* rude shit to people in video games, and someone *meaning* rude shit to people IRL

  29. I'd rather be the pizza and wine girl, tbh, and I'm a man

  30. How come we haven't seen Mio make moves on Makoto, Tomoe is doing it 

  31. Because Mio is the most faithful and devoted follower to Makoto.

  32. hi just asking did makoto acknowledge mio and tomoe affection to him as lovers please anyone spoil me :D

  33. Bro there so many good games that do not have mtx. Just last year alone bg3, ff16, Zelda, Alan wake, and on and on. We are in the golden age of gaming. My biggest problem is lack of time not lack of good games with no mtx. People need to stop all this doom and gloom. It’s easy to avoid games that you believe have shitty business practices. Just go play all the other amazing game with no mtx.

  34. Bro, what? The golden age of game is when we didn't have to cherry pick to find good titles. It was when we didn't have youtube/twitch creating fad gaming culture where a bad game gets a lot of players for a month then disappears.

  35. I think you're just forgetting how much shovelware we had to sift through in games stores around the times of the SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, etc. We had countless crap licensed movie tie-in cashgrab games, games that were just broken with no opportunity to update them, and some of the worst games ever made back then.

  36. The shovelware isn't forgotten, and we still get plenty of it in the form of indie games and Nintendo games nowadays

  37. One becomes a pedo, one tries to divorce his wife, two start dating, one gets trained by various demiplane people, and one is obsessed with Shiki

  38. Wait who and how does one become a Pedo ?

  39. I don't remember their names or exact ages but one gets an 11 or 12 year old wife and keeps talking about how attractive she is

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  41. $100 isn't even a single $250 spin in high limits, what are you talking about?

  42. lmfao at your posting history of shilling and begging for money, now you're on a trip to Vegas for lobster

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