1. I'm so sick of the people coming out on this day to keep insisting "the EU was never 'canon!'" because odds are good they follow Disney Star Wars, which ALSO isn't canon to George Lucas! These double standards, man... they're toxic AF.

  2. Cue the inevitable attack from Krayt where they say "The EU was NEVER 'canon!'" even though they follow Disney Star Wars. which also wouldn't be "canon" to George Lucas.

  3. They go out of their way to invalidate the EU on Krayt, to be absolutely nasty to EU fans, and you say that about me? LOL.

  4. You’re rage posting at least once a week about a sub you were banned from months ago. You send threatening messages to people over their opinions on the EU. Do you actually not understand how that is unhinged behavior?

  5. It feels like I'm surrounded by hate on all sides, from Lucasfilm and their defenders.

  6. Lt. Surge was originally an American soldier.

  7. Yes, like gay people, trans people were invented in the 60s.

  8. Read a history book. It was quite well known that Ernst Rohm was gay, and Hitler tolerated it, only until it looked like Rohm had betrayed him, then he flew into a fury and had him and every man in that building executed.

  9. It’s canon if you want it to be, my friends. Look at Halloween, Godzilla or the big 2 superhero universes. They’ve been retconned and rebooted countless times. Don’t interpret “doesn’t officially count at this exact moment” to mean that you have to discard the bits you love. We live in an age where franchises aren’t singular rivers. They are boggy deltas. If you like the muddy stream where intergalactic aliens with biomech weapons throw a planet at Chewy, run with it. That story still exists. There won’t be more of it, sure, but Star Wars should have ended in 1982 anyway. Frankly it’s crazy that you got that 25-ish years later.

  10. Nuh-uh, doesn't fly. For an official franchised universe, you need canon and continuity. I don't want to encourage them to break that.

  11. Right, aren't you happy you have porgs, Cyborg Ackbar, and the fart wedding?

  12. And like all SJWs, nothing is ever enough for you. I already said she's wrong and should shut up. I agreed with you, and that wasn't enough. Also, harm people? HOW? She's not actively encouraging people to go hurt or kill trans people, as far as I know. So you're just dead wrong about that. Hurt feelings don't equate to real damage, like bullying, or the kind of shit they did back in the old segregation days, lynchings and bombing cars and setting the hoses and dogs on protestors. We must be pretty damn prosperous (some would call it weak) in the modern era if we're having wars over hurt feelings, lol.

  13. I find it amusing you SJWs keep bringing up Japanese internment, and yet we actually made up for that. The families of the victims received a formal apology and a hefty pay-out of $20,000 each back in the 1980s. It's time to let the past be past, otherwise we're just making a worse future for ourselves. And I can't STAND how divided we are. I can't stand it. You're right about what idiots people are. I personally wonder what it's going to take to break it all down and get real change done. Because we can't keep going the way we are right now. Too much hate and division out there.

  14. Here is a copy of the 1995 VHS release from LIVE.

  15. You people are never beating the "scared of women" allegations. Also, Warhammer has always catered to a left leaning audience, as it is a scathing critique of militarism and fascism.

  16. Sounds like you haven't read it, because it isn't satire, there's a level of seriousness to the writing.

  17. Comes direct from the top. “Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack. There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels. We don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be.” - Kathleen Kennedy.

  18. Filoni does the same thing, admitting that he always knew he was doing the "canon bomb" before Disney.

  19. Jesus Christ. The fart wedding is wretched. Honestly the period stuff isn’t so awful… but I do live with 3 women, so maybe I’m numb to it.

  20. The context for the period stuff is that it was written so that a Wookieepedia page could get made about it, and in the novel itself, Panaka's wife womansplains to him, chastising him on where he messed up, so you see the issue now, I hope.

  21. TCW massively retcon’s Mandalore & Mandalorian’s and Dathomir & the Nightsisters and that’s just two things. Karen Traviss quit writing for the EU and didn’t finish the last Republic Commando book due to TCW retconning all her work. Filoni himself has said “When I was making Clone Wars, I always knew we were doing the ‘c-bomb’ or the ‘continuity bomb’”. And TCW is both canon and Legends for some bizarre reason.

  22. Yes, it got so bad, to protect the EU from the carpet-bombing, they had to explain it as just small tribes on an isolated corner of Mandalore and Dathomir. When you have to go to those lengths to protect your favorite setting from the hatchet job being pulled on it, then you know something has gone wrong. This is Filoni's legacy, one he has been proud to uphold in Disney Star Wars.

  23. I find it hilarious that they think it didn’t retcon because it was a different continuity, no they had to create a new tier of canon for TCW to sit in because of all the clashes it had with the EU. And TCW has this odd distinction of being both canon and Legends. It really shouldn’t be Legends, it was basically Disney Star Wars before Disney bought the IP.

  24. The irony of you saying this. Since that’s exactly what you are. A hypocrite who is just looking for an excuse to treat people like garbage 

  25. They chose to do this to the EU and EU fans. They have no one to blame but themselves for the pushback.

  26. I think the point of that post was that even on Lucas’s era of Star Wars, the eu wasn’t canon. So when Disney took over the canon, nothing was lost. If we are going by George, he’s say that the movies were made for twelve year olds, but that mando and andor are cool

  27. Except something was lost, the continuation of EU stories, they've dried up and been stopped for ten years now.

  28. I don't understand who cares about what it's canon and what is not. It's all fictional, you can make your own canon

  29. You need canon and continuity for a multimedia fictional setting that has rules.

  30. You are talking from the perspective of a creator. I am speaking about the audience.

  31. Guess what? The average person doesn't give a fuck what you like! Go like whatever canon you want! Just stop embarrassing yourself on socials by posting stupid bullshit like this that actual price the other side right.

  32. No offense, but majority of Disney Star Wars is loosely based on Legends storylines, ex: Thrawn, Jacen Solo/Ben Solo, Luke's New Jedi Order now Rey's, and probably other examples I might not even be aware of.

  33. And they're not faithful adaptations, so why the fuck should I care about them? Especially when we STILL can't have new Legends stories for some inexplicable reason.

  34. I don't think TCW can be as easily separated from the EU as some in this sub claim. There are a lot of TCW tie-ins that are EU-exclusive and in turn heavily incorporate EU lore. Ahsoka meets both Pellaeon and Callista at one point. At the same time, later EU works like Plagueis and Fate of the Jedi incorporated TCW lore.

  35. No. The Death Star novel smoothed over all the discrepancies with everyone stealing the Death Star plans. Something similar could be done for the TCW retcons, if Lucasfilm gave a damn.

  36. I already gave an example. Michael Burnham was marketed as "the first black lead in Star Trek," which is WRONG, that's Sisko, a character most fans, including myself, generally love, and in fact he's my favorite Star Trek captain.

  37. Ahh you are lying to sustain the narrative you created in your head. By all means continue the circle jerk about black people being marketed for their skin.

  38. No, Ray even kinda prods at them over Judy's race, and Marie practically chokes the word out.

  39. "Robert's Date." Rewatch the episode and you see that she and Frank visibly struggle with it.

  40. I mean the whole reason the dark saber exist because George thought the EU vibro swords were the dumbest thing he had heard and had no idea they had existed he didn't vett much.

  41. Yes he did. He would never write a story where Luke got married and had children, but he knew it existed, and let people tell the stories he'd never tell. If he didn't want it to exist, it wouldn't get made. Don't forget he's sued people over Star Wars before.

  42. As a fan of the movies only, I really found tcw to be superficial for many of the reasons you mentioned and more. I also only got into the EU recently so I see it from the EU fans perspective too. But just as a prequel fan, I had many issues with tcw. Also I find it hypocritical of fans who prop up this show while criticizing the sequels. Dave did everything they “hate” about the sequels and he did it first. Him and JJ Abrams both seem to like scraping the surface of a story and packaging it nicely without any substance. Then they throw George Lucas under the bus if people don’t like it. Just like jj threw Rian Johnson under the bus. Rian has his flaws and I didn’t like his direction, but he didn’t deserve that by jj. And george is very insecure as a film maker but his knowledge of politics, character psychology, religion and mythology make for an excellent story.

  43. Filoni's a spoiled child smashing his toys together and always has been. And now we have to contend with desperate YouTubers insisting he's our last hope for the EU. He was never our first hope for it.

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