1. The problem with Starkiller was that he came off like he was written as a 12-14 year old fanboy's self insert, fanfiction power fantasy who was needlessly shoehorned into piggybacking off of the OT's narrative, retroactively having a major influence on those events & upstaging iconic villains like Vader & Palpatine with his Gary Stu awesomeness for good measure. A bland, stupidly overpowered character who didn't need to exist & did nothing but undermine Star Wars lore & in particular, the lore of the original trilogy and its characters.

  2. You perfectly described my entire feelings of this character into this neat paragraph. Thank you. Galen Marek is basically those cringe Sonic OCs from Deviantart

  3. Dammit now you added another figure I want l 😭😭😭 I gotta save for preorders

  4. I hated how Kibo abandoned her. She’s Orihime’s best friend and Ichigo’s best friend and childhood friend. Hell, when Ichigo was getting bullied a lot she would protect him. Then she gets the power to see spirits. What hell Kubo???

  5. This figure hadn’t even been out for a year

  6. Burnt out so I’m watching bleach for the first time

  7. The filler with Raiga and the curry of life was my favorite

  8. My brain hates her design but my lower body approves. I hate this impass

  9. Yeah it’s mad crazy at how bleach barely even has figures even though it has some of the best character designs and arguably the best dark skin female design in anime still to this date.

  10. Facts I was always infatuated with Kubo’s design, especially his female ones. Glad I got around to watching it.

  11. Knew this was bait. It doesn’t matter tho Sara is an underrated and Peak Kiseki Girl

  12. Yes but that's not just that

  13. I know this is an old thread but keep in mind Yu Yu is a huge inspiration for Bleach which is what this OP allowed to. Yusuke’s role is very similar to Ichigo in which he is very reactionary to the things around him yet he is touted as one of the greatest Shounen MCs of all time. Their writing is similar that they want to protect their friends and not put up with bullshit from other people. You can’t like it’s a big deal for Ichigo and then ignore Yusuke

  14. its not their fault if their first experience was with the anime. they were lead on to believe they were gonna be together

  15. The fault is with Kubo for not telling the animators who was gonna end up with who. If he knew from the very beginning that Ichigo would end up with Orihime he should have told the animators this. It’s not like the animators knew that Ichiruki wasn’t gonna happen

  16. Can black people have anything for themselves? Tbh...I'm tired of non blacks asking about waves. Yeah y'all too. Niggas can't have shit. Everybody wanna be a nigga til it's time to be a nigga. Get your own shit.

  17. Goku is not a bad parent. I wish that TFS joke can fucking die already

  18. Come on now, Irina is a bad mother but she's not fucking harassing sexually every girl as comic relief. You gotta cross a line mate.

  19. Angelica being a perv character is nothing new to me considering I’ve seen a lot of anime. She’s a dime a dozen and really not that bad compared to other characters like Master Roshi. She still insufferable tho. Irina on the other hand feels way more important to the plot and Falcom goes out it way to make her as unlikeable as possible only for them to tell me, “You have to like her. She is justified in the way she treats Alisa”. Besides CS1 and 2 Angie is kinda likable in my eyes

  20. Did you ever hear about Miranda mod ? It resolve all problem with Miranda in me 3 and even make her a squad member

  21. I played the older version of it. I’ve been meaning to come back and play the latest version

  22. Hard to say. He may or may not have already finished art for DQ12, depending on how long it's been in development.

  23. I’m pretty sure he already finished the artwork for DQ12

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