1. Check out Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. Essentially takes the Powerpuff Girls animation style but gets very crass with its content.

  2. Panty and Stocking looks like it would be an anime parody Adult Swim would put out to endearingly poke fun and the medium, but was actually made in Japan and fits that vibe perfectly.

  3. I really miss pre-TS Zoro, back when he laughed more. I still think him getting lost is the best running gag in One Piece tho.

  4. The best meta meme in anime/manga is putting Zoro in a group shot of entirely different casts.

  5. Stark really is a best boy among best boys.

  6. They only got volumes 1-7 in English? Really? There’s 37 volumes and only 7 are in English? Feels a little down for me.

  7. They were EXTREMELY late for an English release. Luckily they are putting out a volume every other month for the manga. Which is pretty fast by manga standards. But still sucks to be so far behind

  8. Hey. All she said was was she thinks Blake and Sun made the cuter couples. Cancel culture these days I swear...

  9. Great art. Human Jinbe looks so cursed.

  10. Dude you don't know the dark ages. Even now sometimes you can say the wrong thing at the wrong time and a sleeper agent from the Fiora vs. Melia debate rises from the ashes.

  11. Just because Melia is best girl doesn't mean she is best girl for Shulk.

  12. Don’t worry Bender, there’s no such thing as 2

  13. And you do literally see the 2 in the dream sequence

  14. I'm still torn between "Rerun" and "Rewind" as the subtitle.

  15. I see both sides. A rerun is all something you see again on TV, sure. But something nostalgic about rewinding your video tapes to start the journey again.

  16. We have seen her eyes like someone mentioned, bur dammit it would of been the best gag if she was Girlfriend 100.

  17. FUCK ME! I thought Sully was supposed to he the scarier one. Mike looks like he is going to eat my toenails, fingers, heart and soul. In that order.

  18. I think you mean zero days since the last "Mio taking her shirt off" art.

  19. Yeah, or this. Just obligatory horny posts lol. Not complaining tho

  20. Mio tummy art is hilarious because of just how much it spawned from one page from the artbook.

  21. Ah thanks. Now I can know how I am getting fucked numerically.

  22. "Kusuri knows why to make drugs. Kusuri has to make drugs to make wacky plot points because author can't come up with ways for them to happen otherwise, yep yep"

  23. I fear nothing in anime communities more than the unquenchable thirst of JJKs ravenous female fanbase.

  24. Wow Gray has competition. A Fire Make wizard like him, wonder what Gray will say.

  25. It's 100 Year Quest so we know what Gray won't do.

  26. Don’t forget the shonen classic where they’ll pretend the female character will become a true character with personality and agency, and then they get tossed aside or turn back into damsel in distress

  27. That's my I love my girl Noelle Silva. Girl has a massive tsundere crush on the MC, but has an entire character arc of gaining self confidence and overcoming loads of familial trauma outside of that and it makes her a well rounded character. And she kicks ass the entire way.

  28. People would be real coy by saying "Don't throw the mystery down the drain"

  29. While Adolin is probably the best himbo in the Cosmere, Lightsong takes it to a new level.

  30. But the people who watched the people who played the game told me Morgana only left because Ryuji said mean things.

  31. We aren't there yet but Gavilar has to get Smart Stupid. Dude figured out so much and at the same time had zero clue what was actually going on or who he was interacting with.

  32. While true, I think we gotta give Smart Stupid to Taravangian

  33. This really depends if the demon lord directly threatened Rentarou's girlfriends. If so, it would be over in a second.

  34. If they threatened a girlfriend, it's over in a minute. If they threatened Shizuka it's over in a second.

  35. Still don't know why everyone hates Kid, has to be a inside joke or something

  36. He's kind of a loser. He got his bounty for killing civilians and not something like attacking Enies Lobby like Luffy did. He took an offscreen L to Shanks and Kaido. Had his only successful mission to take down Kaido and Big Mom with the assistance of the alliance that came from the raid. And first thing he did once he goes solo again is immediately get his ass kicked and lose the information he gained from that daring raid to man... who already kicked his ass once.

  37. If price isn't an issue or you have a functional printer my go to Commander land are always the on color Fetch Lands, Shock Lands, and Bond Lands. So

  38. "Hey guys. Lost our Guthans AFKing Gargoyles."

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