1. Yeah and the ability to use abilities from focus bar is better than meter it gives a lot of freedom imo

  2. Maybe it's because Peter isn't the type to usually lash out at people?

  3. No it will be worse than that BatmanArkham sub is what it is because it didn't get a new game for years but Spider-Man 2 literally released 3 months ago, this sub is filled with inpatient and annoying people who either dickrides this or complain too much

  4. I don't really read much comics but didn't he and peter has a history because of nathan

  5. I think rebirth suit just looks cool and stylish but you are right and Wally's 90's suit is definitely the best

  6. Yuri as Wraith fights with the Spider-Men over her violence, they slowly begin to patch things up and work with her to take down Kraven, and then she betrays them, revealing to actually have been Chameleon all along after Kraven killed Yuri as part of his hunt and manipulating the spiders via her.

  7. Because Spider-Man and Venom fit so well together. They were unified, so there was no need for two different personalities conversing. Hence why Spider-Man wasn’t even initially aware the symbiote had a mind of its own.

  8. I think venom was sad that Peter abandoned it and was calling him parasite.He loved him that's why he even him from church bell.

  9. Ironically enough. The only gems we got on New 52, were from the books that they refused to reboot like Batman and Green Lantern. The rebooted books like New 52 Superman were GARBAGE. New 52 Red Hood and the Outlaws and New 52 Catwoman were two of the worst pieces of shit I've ever read in my like.

  10. nahhh sony would fuck it up imo leave it to feigie

  11. Just play ghost of Tsushima and you’ve played the entire last decade and next decade of assassins s creed titles lol

  12. I do plan to after I read all of the newer Barry stuff, what's the reading order for Wally's stuff btw?

  13. Read Mark waid Book 1-6, Morrison then waid.Book 7-8 and after that Geoff Johns Book 1-5.

  14. I love Kraven the Hunter but I have no faith SONY can deliver a great/good/decent live action film

  15. I would love that. I would love to see Bart and Ace both be Kid Flashes to Barry and Wally too. Have Barry explore the new infinite Earth's while Wally continues being the Earth based family Flash

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