1. FV, to what extent have you researched other forms of tokenized BBBY? There is around 15 total that I've found on Etherscan, one of which is Bed Bath & Beyond: BBBY:

  2. Sounds like a pretty all-around amazing lady. Hope GME makes her proud when it goes off and that she gets to see her grandson make the world a better place.

  3. We should find a Wall Street trader or hedge fund manager who's flipped sides and understands "the how" behind each tactic, then break down the process for each type of manipulation. I'm sure a lot of the info is scattered across existing books, articles, etc., but just saying it'd be cool to reverse engineer the playbook with those kinds of insights.

  4. I can't believe how many people are still coming forward with unused gift cards in the claims. lol

  5. I'm holding it because the stock is extremely undervalued based on the number of deals they have in the pipeline, the number of big railway players they're working with, and the capabilities of their products. Once they announce the major U.S. railway they're currently testing their products with and the train manufacturer of the railway company's locomotives, the share price will skyrocket - and not go up fast and come down fast like it has in the past, but it will keep going up and stay up. That will lead to multiple large scale orders and a ton of cash flow, or the company will get bought out by a big player, which will also make the stock skyrocket.

  6. Ur prediction when will the change start? It’s still looks like it gets shorted as soon as any positive news comes like it did yesterday

  7. Once news drops about a bigger-than-preliminary order with a U.S. railway and/or Latin American railway company, which I think will happen before end of May, it should head straight up. Securing a preliminary deal with a railway company in Europe or India would do the trick too.

  8. Hey MJL! Don't forget to look at the message/spreadsheet I sent you in greater detail, which also includes TheBrand's tracker info as well, wherein around 70% of those participants were not included on

  9. Hey brother! sorry I havent been on reddit in a while - just confirming I'm just now seeing this and will bookmark it for later. I need to get the updated survey out and will check back on these later in the week, thanks brother. 💜

  10. CTB isn't going down on IBKR or Fidelity; it's still at 574% and 440%, respectively. There is an insignificant number of additional shares available to borrow (~7,000). Short percentage is very high and days to cover is almost 3 days. FTD's were at 403K as of 03-14-24 on a TSO of 3.05M and maximum dilution from an additional 1.76M warrants, putting FTDs at about 10% of the TSO assuming dilution.

  11. Upvoted you for taking ownership of your shame. Lol

  12. Turns out it wasn't a bad play in account of them already having a stalking horse bidder in the works with other competitive bidders in motion. I sold at 10% loss yesterday but could have sold for a 75% gain today and climbing. FML.

  13. I agree the proximity of AshkenaziJews (AJs) to positions of significant political power is unusual statistically speaking. Similarly, 44.4% of the top positions held at the U.S. Dept of Treasury, Federal Reserve, Securities and Exchange Commissions, Office of Management and Budget, and Financial Stability Oversight Council were AJs when looking at the most recent five appointments of the top position for each of these entities. Among non-Jewish individuals who've held these positions, 14.3% are married to a spouse of Jewish origin.

  14. Last year's 10-K had the exact same excerpt regarding share repurchases, which I only found out just now by looking, so still excited nonetheless.

  15. I appreciate the effort you put into this and how well you organized. We need more of this, so thank you! Holding 1,900 shares of $SMFL.

  16. Yeah there's no fuckin' way. There is something going on with that 25:75 ownership ratio. No way it stays that tight for that long. I know I'm not saying something that everyone else isn't already thinking; just thinking out loud is all.

  17. Came to check the comments about changes to the investment policy-

  18. My take on it is that RC not only has some unconventional investment strategies in mind but that these investments are also atypical to what a company like GameStop might invest in. I think the investment strategies will be complex, edgy, and seemingly moderate to high risk. These strategies probably triggered pushback from the BoD due to some hesitation as to the amount of risk that might be involved. In response, RC said I'd be willing to work with a specific small committee and I'll back my investment choices with my own money as a show of confidence.

  19. I loved the documentary but didn’t like Christian questioning if Danny committed suicide toward the end. All the evidence was there.

  20. The coincidence surrounding Danny meeting Cuellar in the bar, supposedly seredipitously, struck me as hard to believe. First, it was odd how much Danny leaned into the conversation with Cuellar when he was so concerned about his life at the time. Wouldn't Danny be more careful to vet someone before having such a sensitive conversation? Or was Danny expecting to meet someone like Cuellar along his research journey around that time and the lady he was accompanied by just didn't know about that, thereby chalking-up his conversation with Cuellar to be Danny just being Danny with the whole thing being happenchance? So many different it can be interpreted.

  21. Presumably under duress, like if someone were forcing him to, before he is “suicided”

  22. I agree this is most plausible, as in, "You're dying either way, make a suicide a note and its you or don't and its you and your brother", or something like that. Danny was fast on his feet, able to include the bit about getting into heaven, as an indirect message. THATS why I don't think they talked about the handwriting, in that not everything needs to be spelled out and that viewers should be left to reach their own conclusions on certain topics.

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