1. Georgette Heyer has some books with really witty banter, but no spice at all.

  2. Yes! They're from Gap. I like their fit in general.

  3. Congrats!! Can I ask what app you’re using in that last picture?

  4. I have a big jar of sorghum Molasses I have no clue how to use. I may try some of it here.

  5. That's actually why I made these. I had molasses and I wanted to use it.

  6. Can you link the recipe? I love soft baked molasses cookies

  7. https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/soft-molasses-cookies/

  8. It strikes a chord, but I can't remember anything specific. I'd like to know the answer, though.

  9. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. He's been my imaginary MMC ever since I watched The Count of Monte Cristo as a middle schooler.

  10. I’m one of 8 and consider myself lucky that it’s only 8 lmao but to non Jews saying I’m one of 8 they think it’s a lot but they don’t know the definition of alot of kids another kid in my grade was one of 12

  11. It’s the palisades parkway. This video takes place about a mile or two north of the ny/nj border.

  12. I am also 4 months PO. I hate touching my head because I come away with handfuls of hair. I feel like at least 5 of the pounds I lost are from my hair.

  13. Thank you, just knowing I’m not alone in this struggle is helped. I just said F it and shaved it all off last night 😅

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