1. Someone commented "Sure Amber it's a daily thing just like your showers"

  2. “Hey Connie, I have a theory about why you’re such a b*tch”

  3. God that roast was brutal. It's one of the coolest things Brian ever did to defend someone and it really only happened because he was blackout drunk

  4. Nah she looks like a 200 year old witch who's been casting drain life on the poor

  5. Anna’s problem is she doesn’t deal with her mental health either. So she continues to overeat, which is obvious by how slow her weight loss was and frankly how quickly it is creeping back up.

  6. Ah ok. I always get this one confused with that living to be fearless woman

  7. I'm so overjoyed none of my kids liked Caillou I hate that little brat

  8. Mine had a big Peppa Pig phase but that Peppa girl is hilariously disrespectful to her Dad in that show so it was kind of funny sometimes. Like she just straight up calls him a fatass but in a British kind of way it's hilarious.

  9. This genuinely makes me mad and I wish the worst on both the uncle and this person. Literally die, how can you say such thing about a murdered rape victim

  10. When did I defend the cops? Read it again, I never said a thing like that.

  11. If you think being racist is a bad trait for people in power to possess why would you disagree with an employers right to fire a racist?

  12. Fired because you don't like their social/political group?

  13. Oh it’s most definitely under reported. You’d think cops would be better at committing crimes. But I guess if you’re bad at your day job, it’s hard to be good at related hobbies.

  14. Well cops don't really need to be better at it because even when they get caught there's zero consequences

  15. i mean... unless theres a 2nd kaiju or fantasy elements it would just be godzilla trampling tiny villages with literaly no resistance lol

  16. He tried all the combos up to 1760, so he'll get to 1994 eventally

  17. Wouldn't it have been "scarier" if he were closer to the actual number?

  18. Well said. Not to mention one of the women he made erotica of he knew personally, and wrote about murdering her, assuming her identity and getting off to the fact that he takes her job, family, and clothes. He was an active member of

  19. This is basically what terfs think all trans women are really about. That it's just some kind of degenerate fetish for them.

  20. Autogynephelia obviously exists but most are definitely just legit. I know if I had been born the opposite sex there's no way I just would've rolled with it either

  21. Haven't had Mint Oreos in maybe 15 years. Now I want to buy some.

  22. They've been around that long? I thought the different oreo flavors were a relatively new thing

  23. Oh wow I'm mad I'd never heard of them until recently I'm a mint freak!

  24. They're not anti government, they're anti anything that scares them. Fascist lil kittens

  25. They're not antigovernment they're just oppositionally defiant

  26. Because despite their claims to the contrary they fucking love cancel culture. Hell, they invented it.

  27. I think the first canceling I ever heard of was right wing Christians canceling the Beatles

  28. Christian moms from around my high school in the 90s banded together to ban Magic: The Gathering in school because they deemed it satanic and their fucking stupid son Billy was afraid of [[Unholy Strength]] (3ED) so nobody else could play either.

  29. They did the same to Dungeons and Dragons. Nobody's gonna be having fun on their watch

  30. Milani color statement matte in the shade matte naked or matte beauty might work

  31. Dude Bob was so old towards the end of his run he couldn't hear what anyone was saying and seemed confused often. It would've been selfish of him not to retire

  32. Does that mean he’ll see a dentist about his rotten teeth?

  33. Literally zero evidence of what you’re saying. Stick to the facts, otherwise it undermines everything you say

  34. Lmao right it's just a coincidence. Or maybe a false flag? Or how bout a lil oopsie like when they target clearly marked aid vehicles? Fuck Israel

  35. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/chef-jose-andres-says-israel-targeted-his-aid-workers-systematically-car-by-car-2024-04-03/

  36. Bc they’ve been doing it for years.. they kill and terrorise and steal.. it’s the Israeli way..

  37. No one with morals would support Israel at this point. Forget politics there's absolutely no justification for such evil

  38. As a big time steak guy, lab grown meat is something I’d never want. Sounds like one step closer to Soylent green lol. I don’t see why make it illegal though

  39. Considering how much it costs to raise a cow for slaughter and how expensive meat is becoming it seems like pretty soon lab grown meat will be the only affordable option for a lot of people

  40. Oh look, it's that gender war shit again that nobody outside of the US cares about.

  41. Well here we give a shit because sexism is inspiring incel mass shooters and robbing women of their bodily autonomy

  42. More Christ like than the Christians at this point. What a twist!

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