1. They are sole judges of what constitutes emergency or health threatening good enough reasons. A pregnancy takes a toll on a woman's body, a hard one. It's not to anybody else to decide she must go through it.

  2. If you don’t want to get pregnant, it’s super easy not to. Just do that you weirdos.

  3. You’re most definitely the ass hole. You should break up with him though. Mostly because you’d be doing him a favor.

  4. NTA. He clearly did a great job at grooming her, since she can’t even see it 10 years later. What bothers me is that she felt jealous instead of protective of this new girl he started grooming. You have to stop and think if this is someone you want a family with (if you want children), since she’s unable to discern what grooming is. I’d be afraid if her letting my children go through that

  5. The man who abused her is damaged goods. The victim blaming is inescapable on this thread.

  6. I think the bigger issue is that he doesn’t involve you with his friends. Not sure how long you’ve been together, but that would hurt me the most out of everything. It would be easier to trust him if he involved you with his friends and saw how he interacted.

  7. A BIT? I think she needs to go back to primary school and learn how to be an actual human being. 

  8. Technically speaking im legally blind, i still have glasses, i just cant see beyond 3 feet without squinting so hard my eyes hurt, like looking through frosted glass

  9. I’m technically legally blonde. Try playing Minecraft like that. I dig straight down AND straight up.

  10. SOOOOOOOOOOO many lack a backbone.

  11. These women are a long way from finding a partner if they can’t keep a kitchen clean lol

  12. No I realize jerry is the biggest issue. Doesn’t change the fact that dak is a text book choke artist.

  13. Guns have nothing to do with looting. The only correlation to guns and looting is… well you know.

  14. I literally built a full scale prison for villagers on one of my worlds about a year ago, then my hard drive crapped out and I lost it all

  15. I do the opposite of this. I travel by boat and fill as much as the map in the water as I can, as I feel it’s safest. Then I fill in the land with the grider method. Great minds think, uh, similarly!

  16. This is the way a true scout would handle it. Safest way to get an idea of terrain is by boat, and then work your way into large land masses.

  17. As someone who has the Covid stomach bug hybrid from hell disease and just cleaned vomit off the floor at 3am, if you’re too weak to clean it then you need to go to hospital.

  18. Lol that makes no sense. You can be weak and not need to go to the hospital. OP seems like as bad a roommate as the sick person is. Definitely very selfish.

  19. Same. I barely even pay attention, but I check the price once daily just to make sure tomorrow is the day.

  20. Must be new to reddit. Ask for folks not to(anything) and the response will be that very thing in spades

  21. These people remind me of those anti abortionists who can't be bothered to adopt unwanted children. Totally a different story when you gotta put your money where your mouth is.

  22. I’m anti abortion. It’s murder. I have an adopted son from a birth mother who believed the same and wanted a better life for her child.

  23. That’s weird because a when a pregnant woman is murdered, the perpetrator gets charged with 2 counts.

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