1. she doesn't melt pushes, she melts what's left of them

  2. i mean I couldn't see anything more fitting for mirror. Tower tapper is the bullshit ones imo, or "hit a tower x times"

  3. people will always say algorithms give you based on things you like, but nah, I get bombarded with DnD ads just for googling what it was

  4. top ladder players will say that requires skill, but a lot of them are just elitists

  5. I'm not gonna be the guy to say a let him cook joke so I'll just say tuye looks so cute there

  6. any enemy units that are in the graveyard radius are slowed (ice wizard speed) 1 guard also. idk

  7. why don't you sell them for Star units and get the root rider? Did you buy all the golden evos?

  8. waiting for the texture pack add-ons (they will never exist)

  9. I made all Calamity enemies and bosses texture pack compatible for next update lol

  10. I'm so violently hyped ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

  11. yesterday my cat in the litterbox and it's still there. maybe it's someone else's shit

  12. bowler used to be underrated for me, now people suddenly want him nerfed. I miss the old days when ebarb spammers weren't vocal about good micro placements.

  13. the closer and longer you look at it the more it looks like peach tart

  14. bro got down voted to oblivion for "spoiling" that happens a few minutes into the game ๐Ÿ’€

  15. I think the global art for knight portrays the "dumb face" very well. I've met some people that wears a similar expression that you can kind of guess is autistic by their face (??? trying to be the least offensive I can)

  16. jp female knight looks pretty dumb, in a cute way ofc

  17. keywords: Know the work rules Aisha guardian tales

  18. "Why don't you try helping real kids, keyboard warrior, I'm not hurting anyone"

  19. dang, the mirror and everything. Just need some nearby cattails

  20. i just magic storage and alchnpc cause most qol mods ruin the fun tbh

  21. maybe I should uninstall luiafk but some of the stuff there is so damn convenient

  22. well you just taught me something new. Btw question, do y'all run remnants with calamity? I did but but for some reason couldn't go through, maybe overwhelmed from the structures and subconscious fear of some things not generating properly?

  23. maybe I should sleep on the neuv rerun and get engulfing..

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