1. You can't control civilian dwarves directly and you will never be able to. You want a different game altogether.

  2. He didn't forget. He just doesn't know what he's talking about. He explicitly mentioned D&D.

  3. True, I meant a lot of the others in general. His post reminded me of how little people know of D&D or that DaD is based on it.

  4. This happens before a wipe. Wipe is on Tuesday (if you didn’t know yet) so expect more of this in normal.

  5. that was declared a exploit and is now a bannable offense, eve has had some massive problems lately, HS ganking hasn't changed at all in that time and has nothing to do with why its having problems, its also worth noting its still hard and the effort and time required to do it means anything but expensive stuff is most of the time left alone

  6. Yet there are people that still actively gank in high sec even if they gain nothing because it’s not always about making a profit just like the reason this is happening to SoT is because people would hunt other players relentlessly but not even bother looting them when they sunk them.

  7. Oh wow, it’s changed since last I saw it (or another website entirely?) but that looks like it, thanks!

  8. Ok..am I the only one that thinks "you are here" means your here on the corner of the discovery line???

  9. First time I got there I understood the map… I wasn’t experience in any way in the game.

  10. To stupid: I love it when adjectives become verbs. Eg. “that kid stupids all day long.”

  11. Apparently because any post discussing the Safer Seas that includes holding certain SoT players accountable for their behaviors is forbidden by these moderators. I've tried three times and my post was removed each time, no matter how I worded the title.

  12. Funnily enough I saw a screenshot of that post on Star Citizen and wanted to post it on Dark and Darker because the community there is even worse than what you described, which might end up killing the game if it keeps going.

  13. it requires skill to get good gear, it doesnt fall out of the sky. even if you buy your gear, it requires some skill to get enough gold to buy decent gear

  14. It requires one to grind for gold. Grinding for hours and hours every day doesn’t really translate to skill though (it does for some, but not nearly as much as you say). Some of those people can even just go onto the servers when they are mostly dead to avoid PvP and grind gold too. Won’t comment on the life situation that permits people to play that way.

  15. Skill needs to put you in par eith gear , I hated the matches when I would hit a guy 6 times and he's not dead but 1 walk from me and I'm gone because he's fully geared

  16. On Tuesday they should lower TTK. Let’s hope they also take the opportunity to improve gear disparity like they did once before already.

  17. Oh man, I've been saying it pretty much on all related to ranger is OP related threads, most people just don't want to listen and prefer beer smash W gameplay instead of using area and taking covers, there were some good guys that took advices on how to deal with rangers, but that's it, there also was a person that just kept saying spear is OP ignoring direct link that spear does 60% less damage if person hugs you

  18. Rogue mains need to push the “op class” onto ranger to make it look like their nerf wasn’t deserved (though will likely be tweak a bit more).

  19. Yeah, this is why I really don't think traps are in a bad spot. My ideas here are just to sort of offer something up since it's probably inevitable that something happens.

  20. People don’t want to admit that stepping into a trap really IS a skill issue. You can easily see them, you can avoid them and if a ranger isn’t too far you can hear them being set up all the while being limited in quantity and costing gold (unlike the infinite charges super long invis from rogues).

  21. Lmao it’s so funny we were talking about this and then they went and killed the class completely. RIP to rogues. For now at least. They’ll revert some changes for sure but at least we get like a week of less crying on this sub about them

  22. I just hope the game stops being rogue and roguer. I will be watching some streams and if lobbies look better I’ll happily come back to the game.

  23. I saw the clip from spud there and ya ranger is definitely weak to rogue when he doesn’t see them first, but it’s the opposite if he catches them without stealth.

  24. I think it was on spud’s video or another of the hundreds of rogue videos. They used weak point and popped out of stealth behind the fighter and nuked them with stiletto to the back of the head.

  25. It is? Though I guess it might not be saying much considering how 3 was. If it’s only slightly better than 3 I might still not bother. Compared to the first season, how does season 4 hold up?

  26. Is is better than them detonating a nuke in a tunnel then driving away in a jeep? Yes

  27. Can’t wait for them to add a few dying options to avoid looking like an overgrown Smurf or a cooked lobster

  28. Yeah that would be nice. They'll just have to be Carefull not to make in game breaking like camo

  29. A broken sweaty skin, like rose skin in warzone, would be problematic, that’s very true

  30. Different stats for different dungeons so one nerf to help one mode doesn’t severely hurt the other mode, otherwise we’ll always have the solos and trios fighting one another in every single forum.

  31. Or maybe make it diminishing returns based on how geared you are when getting into LR to avoid making it more profitable (like the loot you take out of the dungeon gets marked as lower value if you went in geared out of your mind. Going into normal so heavily geared makes the game a casual experience where even a good player with mid gear would have huge difficulties winning if you’re even just middling/mediocre in skill). Would push more people into empty HR and maybe make hell a little less just PvE.

  32. Rogue on rogue violence is a problem. Barely even makes the evening news as most don’t seem to care, what a harsh world we live in.

  33. Was sitting in hr lobbies for full time before the queue change almost every time. Only time they were actually filled up was when the gold fee was removed entirely. I miss that brief period, hr was a blast.

  34. There were more nakeds but at least there were more people. It was also there one would go to avoid the sweats in normal… ironically

  35. What region are you playing?What times are you playing?

  36. Wrote something similar (but much longer) but it was removed by moderators. Not sure why since I didn’t receive any message, so wonder what happened there, genuinely curious what part caused it to be removed.

  37. Haven’t really played much since the 15+ queues (only a match here and there at below 15), but I play on EU and prior to patch I would see hyper juiced players in normal GC every match or every other match.

  38. Yeah, fuck 15> and 15< lobbies, give me a rogue free lobby, I am sick to death of trying to play Wizard and getting ambushed by a rogue every game

  39. Light orb is a must for wizard (it reveals invis), and drop meditate to take instant cast instead. An instant fireball really surprises them.

  40. Circle hurts due to the shape of DaD maps (except maybe ruins). It feels like a lazy implementation of other battle-royal games’ version of the circle, except most of their maps are pretty open, not only restrained corridors and small-ish rooms.

  41. The amount of streamers and normal people that say either “remove trade” or “totally rework trade” kind of shows this being a concern for many, not a small amount of people…

  42. I found a purple glove and my friend found a purple goblet just today in regular ruins. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  43. Let the devs try for a wipe. It’s early access and the devs will decide what to try out.

  44. Maybe it's radical, but I'm getting the impression that the game might be better if all gear scaling was PVE-only. Everyone is having more fun in default/low gear.

  45. I love the skill based PvP way more, though i’d be fine if gear gave a slight advantage anyway, so people can feel satisfaction for finding gear other than fighting PvE…

  46. The rinse and repeat loop feels so much better than losing your final set and spending 10-20 minutes piecing another together or blowing 3K immediately to get back in the dungeon.

  47. Not being able to get the basic gear you want from vendor unless you’re lucky ruins a lot of the fun. When what you want IS in stock you end up buying a few and adding it all to your stash anyway.

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