1. I would kick the ever living shit out of Dr Phil for a lot less than $20k. But I'm definitely taking the 20k.

  2. She didn't freak out when she found out your goodest girl was gone.

  3. You mean like an adult elephant being the size of an alligator? That was my first hint.

  4. Yeah and conversely take a really bad take on a regular AITA ie defending the cheating spouse or somerhubf

  5. This is the better strategy. Posting rage bait will get you upvotes.

  6. Are they claiming that Thousands of Democrats went thru the hassle of registering as Republicans just to vote for Nikki Haley even tho she's mathematically eliminated? Are they stupid?

  7. That is exactly what they're claiming. Probably because they don't know what a closed primary is.

  8. Do I have time to prepare? Can I have a month to put on extra weight before the challenge?

  9. Screw gaining extra weight! You'll be eating by day 7 so you're only going to lose 3 or 4 lbs in that time. I can stand to lose 20 lbs, so this would be a good start.

  10. The average person would lose between 2-4 pounds per day! for the first 5 days.

  11. The article doesn't specify, but it sounds like they mean no food or water.

  12. Really? I never knew how it would be from a male perspective, so that makes me very happy!

  13. Guys will appreciate your initiating. We love snacks too. Not that you need it, but it makes it easy.

  14. Fuck yes. I'd record everything he says and does when he thinks we're alone. I'd really Maga it up and make him comfortable. Then I'd sell everything I got for way for than the million.

  15. She wants you to break up with her because she's too much of a coward to do it herself. Give her what she wants.

  16. Wtf did you think was going to happen? What possible good would come from telling him? Why did he deserve to know the truth? Was he asking?

  17. She's been fucking your brother for over a year and she thinks you're overreacting??? Maybe if you ran them over with a bus repeatedly. Your recation was perfectly appropriate.

  18. I'd jump on this without a second thought. I'm in my 50s so I've probably only got 20-30 years anyway. Having a billion gives me a full 20 years vs working until I die.

  19. All the food is free? I'd do that for way less than $75k.

  20. That’s never going to fly, legally. Children’s rights to be supported will always supersede the parents’ rights to opt out of child support.

  21. Actually, now that I think about it, Butterbean can actually fight, and I shouldn't be disrespecting him like that. Itll be more like "Random obese guy vs. Jon Jones."

  22. I was just about to correct you. Butterbean was fat, but dude was a unit. He beat the crap out of many skilled professionals, including 58 KOs.

  23. This was for a roofing company, I feel the creative really top-notch as well, It mentioned if you call them out to do an estimate you’ll be entered for a free vacation. I racked up a frequency of five during those two months, so I genuinely don’t know what to tell my client.

  24. Do you still have the business? I'm trying to wrap my head around “gainfully unemployed.”

  25. Yeah, I still have the business. I call myself gainfully unemployed because I do the bare minimum to afford our lifestyle. I could work harder and make a lot more money, but then I wouldn't have the free time to create memories and experiences with my kids.

  26. and PPP loan benefits all dry up. haven’t seen those “independent business owner” caravan rally anymore

  27. I would LOVE to see the stats on how many Magats took PPP money and went out of business since.

  28. Bruh, I have 4 cats. Trying to give them pills or trim their nails is a dicey business. And you wanna fight a peak fitness, larger than average bloodlusted cat?

  29. Anyone who has every tried to bathe a pissed off tom cat knows what a mistake it would be to go toe to toe with one. When I was a kid, we had a really big, really mean cat. He used to fuck my dad up every time he tried to bathe him.

  30. 6 percent of Americans think they can beat a grizzly bear / 8 percent think they can beat an elephant unarmed

  31. I'm surprised it's that low, considering 34% of Americans are absolute morons.

  32. Cue Trump literally, willfully, and repeatedly shitting his pants to delay the trial.

  33. You say that like he has a choice in the matter.

  34. Do you have any relevant experience at all?

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