1. Cancer truly sucks! My wife has it. My best friend since the 6th grade died from it. I HATE CANCER!!!!!

  2. In the past few years it's taken my father in law, almost taken a coworkers child, and my friend. Hopefully, your wife got out in front of it. I'm so sorry to hear that. Idk what I'd do if it were my wife.

  3. She has lung cancer. No cure. Just putting off the inevitable.

  4. Damn. I really don't have anything to say. There's some things there isn't a way to relate to, even if you went through something similar.

  5. As someone who has had many conversations with people like this, I've yet to see any of them come close to even explaining what the theory of evolution by natural selection is saying. Most of them think it says a chimp had a human baby long ago. I'm not joking. The few who realize it's much more gradual come closer, but still fail to see it.

  6. This is my dad with the kitten he never wanted LOL, caught him sleeping with her on his shoulder sleeping also 🤣🥰

  7. Absolutely nothing is stronger than the bond between a father and the animal they didn't want to bring home to begin with. There are 3 dogs, a cat, and a bunny in my house and I was resistant to each and every one of them, but each would come to me before anyone else in the house and I would murder anyone trying to hurt them.

  8. Generally the complaints about blue boil down to the fact that it has a bunch of counter spells, which prevent people from doing things. Everyone else finds it annoying when their spells are countered.

  9. Which, in fairness, I'm not even sure is the more annoying thing. What's more annoying, you try to resolve a spell, they say nope, game goes on.

  10. Big rip atm though. You'll need more nihlas to do anything with those cores. I'm still waiting on my core and I've seen a lot of people with twice my kc still waiting. I streak 0 to 1k atm. I think I have like 60 nihlas in the bank.

  11. That's the lesson. If you're unhealthy, quit being poor. I feel so dumb.

  12. 100%. That’s what I have been trying to say haha. There’s quite a large difference. Have dominion over means we are the rulers, but it also gives us quite a bit of responsibility. Nowhere in the Bible does it ever advocate for animal abuse; in fact, God spares the lives of Ninevite cattle. I think if more Christians understood this we’d fight for the imprisoned animals the way we fight for imprisoned children.

  13. If God created animals, then God has the right to decide what happens to them. He also can decide the superiority of a certain species. This honestly is a clear indicator that animals are special to God, yet less so than humans. Since humans are a higher life-form, their issues aid their curse was translated to all below them: nature and animals. That’s the best explanation I can give you honestly

  14. With that info, yeah you probably won't notice much. Overpower is one you'd probably notice a big improvement with, but only inside zerk.

  15. I can only say what I would use them for, but you may find it not useful. My mouse has 12 buttons, and the ones I probably have found the most useful are target cycle, vuln bomb, smoke cloud, and eat food. The first 3 are super nice tbh because I just run down a line on mine. Instance starts, target cycle > cloud > vuln, boom boom boom. Of course cloud is clunky af on melee, but that's a different topic.

  16. This kinda falls apart tho due to time displacement, but you already acknowledged that.

  17. The issue is typically you don't really meet unique threshold until you're within 10-20ish kc of the claim enrage.

  18. Then fix your post and respond to real criticism.

  19. If I'm out to purchase some product, there's many factors that contribute to limiting what I would feel comfortable purchasing, but broadly I'd rather not support the demand for harm if I can avoid it. That's something I feel most people probably agree with.

  20. Thanks for your reply, it's very insightful. It seems like your logic follow most of the other replies, something like "do not harm" while taking in account other influent factor like practicality and obviousness. And the adjacent fallacy is explained clearly enough to be easily detected, thanks again !

  21. No problem. If you make a hardliners "I will absolutely cause no harm" then purchasing anything is off the table. Even if you do extensive research about every single thing, is the information dated, is it accurate, etc. Your options become make everything yourself from what you personally harvest, or kill yourself. While I do think people capable of having a garden and doing more themselves should, neither is really viable as an option.

  22. If gear is cheaper and profits are cheaper then what's your issue? An ecb is just as hard to get as it was before. Bolg is what ecb used to be btw, the bis 2h ranged and its like 4b. So go farm that?

  23. O_o man that’s intense. I just couldn’t fathom doing something like that on an engine like RS

  24. It's actually eaiser because of it. The tick system allows you that window to do a host of inputs that register on the following tick and stuff. If the tick rate was 0.1s that's drastically harder.

  25. I have 1 that has a bunch of things used, like eat food, smoke cloud, vuln bomb, equip lotd. A lot of things you use with any style. Then there's another bar that's similar to that, but has things thst are less used, but still used enough to be on a bar. Like the layer abilities, or shards and shatter. I don't use a lot of those every fight. The remaining 3 are my offensive abilities, defensive, and prayers and thsoe I use all the time.

  26. The idea behind them was to take gold out of the game. The GE tax now does this, so item degradation is no longer necessary and can be done away with.

  27. I mean a volley of 5 deals like 20k damage on average or something. Even if every single gcd is used to volley, that's 33 a minute times 20k for 660k dpm. Sure, poison and split soul and all that jazz adds more, but I'm just saying it's not as crazy as you'd think. We can do more than that already with necromancy.

  28. And fuckin Zuk. Its the one thing I absolutely hated about his fight. The first mechanic he does doesn't even look different from an auto... set his sword on fire and that sets us on fire so we know we have the damn debuff. Why hide it? That always drove me nuts that it required foreknowledge to have any idea why your health was getting nuked.

  29. I would like to see a rotting tooth tip added to the rare drop you can use on the

  30. Idk about a t95, but I could see the accuracy going to t90 to make it a real t90. Think about where other t95s come from. Yea, the accuracy is t85 in your example, but in a lot of cases that's not much of an issue. Idk. Maybe t95 damage is fine. It just seems like it might be repeating something like scourge where it outclassed a t95 we got from an end game boss and relegated the real t95 to a switch. This would in many cases be better than ezk because it's passive and 2 range.

  31. So that's sho let the dogs out? Been wondering for like 20 years.

  32. Sos is exceptionally marginal increase. I wouldn't get it at all. If you end up with a ton of cash then why not, but if there are other upgrades you can get do those first.

  33. Funny thing is, SOS is cheaper than Nox now, so it's profitable.

  34. Oh, well, that's not something I figured would be the case, so they should go for it. I'll put an edit in my comment. Thanks.

  35. Forgive the abyssmal edit job. Did it in like 5 min on a phone.

  36. What's greedier...keeping what you've earned, or expecting others to give you stuff?

  37. You're delusional if you think America is full of people who earned their fortune.

  38. Grats. That's really lucky. Hopefully you can get some nihlas soon to use it.

  39. It seems like you're a bit under equipped for this, but I've found that whay happens there is that all the minions add up and that's where it begins to feel overwhelming.

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