1. Someone once tried explaining it to me, there are certain camera techniques / lenses + color correction that is specific to regions / street google vehicles that are used in a lot of these games, it’s believed that they subconsciously know some of these color filters depth settings lens types and they apply that to their guesses based on gut / intuition.

  2. Those are secondary things, the primary things are stuff like, how the road looks, vegetation, lamp posts, signage, high voltage lines, and the overall vibe of all that combined. Sometimes good geoguessers can't even say what the specific thing is that made them guess the small region perfectly. It's just the general vibe.

  3. I'm not American so I hadn't seen this briefing before. I'm speechless. Hope he goes to prison so he can't get a second term.

  4. If you don't want to block the driveway why the f do you have a gate then?

  5. I'm sure a refrigeration engineer could come up with an elegant and efficient cooling system for this fridge without making any major modifications to the body.

  6. Pretty sure a big part of modern energy efficiency is better insulation materials and -design, which couldn't be achieved without modifications. Or maybe at all.

  7. piranhas and quicksand were my biggest childhood let downs. i still hold out hopes for the candiru though

  8. Bog swamps can be dangerous though, if you're alone and have nothing solid like a tree branch to grab onto when you fall in.

  9. Why the fuck would 6 people vote against banning slave labor?

  10. Because they are conservatives and nationalists

  11. EDIT: The final role call can be found here (see under point 22)

  12. What a shame. It's always my favourite day of the year.

  13. Apple went from the worst to the best logo of the bunch. And fun fact, Steve Jobs didn't want to change the original logo...

  14. I imagine all furniture feels like furniture for children when you're this big. Same life as everyone else except everything around you is scaled down to 70% at all times.

  15. I can relate. Constantly crouching a little to wash my hand in a sink. In many cars my head touches the roof even though the seat is as low as possible. Mirrors are always so low that I have to crouch a little to see my whole face. Lots of shower heads are at chin level. Airplane leg room is fucked. Etc etc.

  16. Quite literally. A good friend of mine is 6'11", a standard interior/exterior door is 6'8" tall.

  17. Are American standard doors that tall? I'm 198cm (6'6" in freedom units) and constantly hit my head on doors that are just under the standard 200cm, and/or if I'm wearing thick sole shoes. Also lots of older buildings have 195cm doors which sucks.

  18. Wow and this movie is actually free on several streaming services. I swear it almost never happens when I look up a movie someone suggests. Always on a service I don’t have.

  19. If you don't know about it already, there's a cool site/app called JustWatch.com . You can check streaming/renting/buying availability for essentially all services for a given film or series. And if it's not available in your services (and you don't want to đŸŽâ€â˜ ïž), you can install the app and have it notify you when it's been added to your service.

  20. Cinnamon comes from a tree?! I didn’t know that.

  21. So powdered cinnamon is basically sawdust

  22. Ukraine aid, ahh yes is very nice, should have been done last year already. But good job.

  23. EikÀ ainoastaan se, ettÀ harrastetaan silkkaa sanelupolitiikkaa vaan kaikkea kiirehditÀÀn, vaikutusarvioita ei tehdÀ ja yleisesti ottaen toimitaan vastoin normaalia lainsÀÀtÀmistÀ ja hallintotapaa. Todella autoratiirista toimintaa niin sanotulta demokraattiselta hallitukselta.

  24. NiinpÀ. TÀmÀ nÀhtiin esimerkiksi syksyllÀ, kun keskustan, demareiden ja vihreiden edustajat huomauttivat hallitukselle, kÀytÀnnössÀ elinkeinoministeri Rydmanille ettÀ hei btw oottekos huomannu ettÀ ootte poistamassa kokonaan elokuva ja tv-alan tuotantotukea kansainvÀlisille tuotannoille, vaikka se piti tuplata kun se todettiin niin kannattavaksi (valtiolle verotuloja 140% suhteessa tukeen).

  25. Toki toi kirje oli vÀhÀn jÀnnÀ kun vissiin joku suomalainen tuottaja tms oli kehottanut Thompsonia kirjottamaan sen, ja auttanu sen kirjottamisessa. Mutta kuulosti silti siltÀ ettÀ idea oli lÀhtenyt Thompsonin fiilisten takia liikkeelle. Mutta sen tuottajan motivaationa oli ehdottomasti ensisijaisesti muistuttaa hallitusta tÀn pienen alan tÀrkeydestÀ ja vaikutuksesta Suomen kuvaan ulkomailla, joten luulisin ettÀ myös Thompsonin kanssa on puhuttu tosta viime syksyn sekoilusta.

  26. There's a good story about Nelson when he boarded a ship he thought had surrendered when he found out they hadn't they respected that and actually left the ship to resume firing canons at them until they did surrender.

  27. It is funny too, but actually the only logical move for the non-surrendered ship. Because if they were to imprison or kill Nelson, they wouldn't be able to surrender later. If they would, Nelson's crew would probably summarily execute the whole crew in retaliation. By letting Nelson leave, they left the option of an actual surrender on the table.

  28. Sama homma koneistajana, valmistuin 2017 ja pÀivÀÀkÀÀn en ole ollut alan hommissa koska ei ole tarpeeksi kokemusta tai osaamista tietyistÀ ohjelmista (joita koululla ei ollut varaa lisensoida meidÀn kÀyttöön). Kaupan alalla nyt sitten ollut.

  29. SitÀ en oo ikinÀ ymmÀrtÀny ettÀ jotku firmat joilla on joku softa joka on jollain alalla niin yleinen ettÀ se vaan pitÀÀ osata, ei halua lisensoida koulutukseen niitÀ jollain mojovalla alennuksella tai ilmaseksi. Se ettÀ alan ammattilaiset osaa kyseisen softan, korottaa jokatapauksessa niiden työpaikkojen halukkuutta tilata/pitÀÀ se softa.

  30. Hey Fertopip, that's a design by Julien Borne.

  31. Wow, that's a great list! Quite a few designs I hadn't found yet, thanks! That Kenair Carry Cap is gonna be a great addition :)

  32. Can you link to some? I only ever find vinyl or sticker varieties.

  33. I'd love to hear any cheap options too. Here in Finland there's a company called

  34. Just because it's fake doesn't mean it's satire. And this isn't satire.

  35. You'd think he'd be even a little interested since he

  36. It’s more “we did it too, so it wouldn’t be just to try you in court for it.”

  37. Wow. TIL of Unit 731. This is some horrific stuff:

  38. Hard to say, but yeah I know they did lots of other horrific shit too. Nanjing massarce, starvation and executions of POW's, using POW's for bayonet drills, shooting survivors of sunk ships, raping and massacring civilians, and even imprisoning locals as sex slaves attached to units, later of often killing them. The latter part wasn't even about soldiers being renegades, the command saw sex slaves as necessary to keep the morale high. The brutality is jaw-dropping.

  39. So this guy had a stroke and the others were on acid or something? Fucking insane

  40. Hahahaha men will do stuff like this instead of going for therapy sessions and I freaking love it

  41. Yeah fuck therapy I need this! Where can I go for a ride?

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