1. Foul Tarnished, Emboldened by the flames of ambition.

  2. I don't believe this is a real story. No way this really happened

  3. I had to laugh when I saw it. Big ass room with giant painting all around and there is this little ass mona Lisa on it own wall

  4. For years my friend told me about how amazing this one game was"Dark Souls". Sounded kinda dumb, didn't look too great, enemies are a pain in the ass, and can't progress at all. Quit after an hour or so.

  5. NTA. Sounds like you handled this well. Let her be pissed. They were giving to you not her.

  6. I was running it on the deck for awhile. Not the best and your way better off waiting a bit till they fix a few more issues. But the devs have said they want it running on handhelds.

  7. Man do people not report this shit before it gets to the front page? This is fake and breaks the rules of the sub. Report this motherfucker.

  8. Just noticed this myself. Thought it was a bug. But there are gold silver and copper coins. Once your copper gets to 100 it turns into silver, and then silver to gold

  9. No Rest For The Wicked. The devs dropped 2 patches that have been a huge improvement on the deck. Haven't had any issues since.

  10. So the husband gets nudes of his wife from a stranger....all the exact nudes she sent the husband without a single original photo and didn't question it. Sure thing, totes real.

  11. Also she was more than willing to confront the person accusing her from the start. She gave him all her devices and told him they must have been hacked. Her ex didn't want to hear that and decided to just listen to his friend and other people. That's how she knew is love was not strong enough.

  12. This is such a a fucked up story. Glad to hear OP has started to move on. Obviously the ex feels guilty, maybe he can move on too. I hope that if anything like this ever happens to me or my wife that we would be able to work it out. I definitely would want to fight for my marriage. But it sounds like OP is out of love with her ex, and that's ok too.

  13. First step done, bitch about it online. Next hit that blue button and repeat after me.

  14. Healing- cooking food is your esta flasks. you collect ingredients to make meals that heal you. Those ingredients respawn constantly. So when you run out you have to get more ingredients and make more food.

  15. You and the guy who put his deck in the washer should get lunch.

  16. I kinda like this way of doing things. Knowing every soup matters and they don't come back, makes me focus more and be patient during fights.

  17. Drop render distance down to 65, 30fps. It runs, wouldn't say it's bad, but it's not great. Mine would crash anytime there is a cutscene so I just skipped them for now. Probably going to switch to my PC till they can smooth things out on the deck.

  18. But what's his take on women Custodes? Has 40k gone woke, or is it lore accurate?

  19. This looks like one of those times where you really want to do something and your girlfriend insists on going to be with you and you tell your girlfriend she isn't going to have fun but she comes with you anyway and then after 30 minutes it's clear she doesn't want to be there because she's sweating and her feet hurt just like you thought and for the next 8 hours she sulks and you keep asking her if everything is okay and she says she's fine but you both know it's not fine and you're both mad that she's there and then the next day she acts like she didn't throw a 10 hour hissy fit the day before

  20. That why you find a girl who's like fucked that, but have fun. It's why I married mine.

  21. I did some cursory searching for this and can't find any mention of it. I want to believe because this looks like the exact game I've been looking for, so if you can site your source, I will be eternally grateful!

  22. https://www.vdgms.com/opinion/no-rest-for-the-wicked-preview-moon-studios-next-game

  23. A true hero. Here’s to hoping it runs well! I guess we’ll find out tomorrow

  24. Good news, they announced it is working well on the deck.

  25. Im playing some fallout 4 rn and it's really funny

  26. A big update is coming at the end of the month, and it's dirt cheap right now on steam.

  27. NTA. At all it was your wedding day not hers.

  28. Tiger Woods Made His First Hole-in-One at Eight Years Old.

  29. Don't go into a game already decided what hand type you are playing; let the jokers you find determine that for you. Also XMult tends to be very strong, especially if you have at least one source of +mult.

  30. Just to add. I struggled because I was too focused on saving cash. Don't be a hoarder, mid game you should be rerolling or buying the whole shop.switching out jokers and adding cards is key.

  31. I've owned this game for 2 days. 8 times I have pulled this card. Every time nope, EVERY TIME!

  32. I just got rid of my game pass. It was a great service for awhile, but nothing on there right now is worth the cost at this point.

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