1. Meh, classic players I understand... but make the effort to scan current players like big ant has.

  2. Tbh, even classic players are looking great in all the other sports games.

  3. I’m fine with the current graphics of player faces as long as they bring more players in. Having less than 10 players from ATP is laughable. NBA has hundreds of players and NFl almost thousands they make for the games, they should have the majority of the ATP Top 100 in there /:

  4. They need to do both! Bring more players and fix current player faces/models and animations.

  5. People will say no, and I think they're right.. but in my opinion, TS2K25 is up there. Not the absolute worst, but it should be included in the conversation.

  6. As a cinematic experience? Masterpiece!

  7. I mean.. you be the judge! The game has GREAT gameplay that's for sure (from what we've seen)..

  8. Damn I’m ps5, if anyone knows how to get a refund on PS give me a shout thanks!

  9. Not to disappoint you, but it's very hard to get a refund on PS. But I hope you'll be able to.

  10. Automatically making you a top 70 player is very stupid aswell imo, they should’ve created much more AI players if they wanted you to work to play in grand slams…

  11. What's even more "stupid" and "lazy", is how they didn't even bother to have more young players in the game.

  12. I have decided long time ago that I won't buy this game for full price and that I'll wait for a sale, and now I feel even more grateful for making this decision.

  13. Idk if it's just me, but I've tried many codes from this thread, and none of them worked.

  14. The codes are single use generated, so if they generated a new code within the time frame of then and now, it will be different

  15. Thank you! But damn that sucks.. so it's kinda useless to share it online, since it's gonna change every now and then.

  16. Djokovic is looking great tbh, minus the haircut I think.. but damn, Federer looks terrible, and Nadal as well 😂

  17. Idk if you heard of this, but here you go:

  18. Insane stat. Who is the better Spanish RB - him or Carvajal? Two absolute legends.

  19. Carvajal is definitely the better RB. In 2016-2018 Vazquez was a RW.

  20. It wasn't confirmed if they have exclusive rights. The fact at the moment is that Tiebreak has Djokovic and Top Spin doesn't. Whether that changes in the future remains to be seen.

  21. I'm a Roger fan, but how Novak being the Goat is debatable?

  22. I only have one question, what's the size of the game (GB)?

  23. Wow that's surprisingly good, I expected at least 60 GB.

  24. Del Porto, Nalbandian, Safin, Roddick, Davydenko, Ferrer & Tsonga ❤️

  25. No, but it's funny how they make 2K looks like an ass tbh. Especially since people here were defending this laughable roster, and saying it's hard to sign players.. and it's not 2K's fault lol.

  26. What do you think is the real reason they didn't include more players in the roster?

  27. Honestly, there's nothing much they can do. Even if the game will have 10000 players, as long as the gameplay is shit, there's no reason to buy the game.

  28. This must be heartbreaking for Diaz Acosta, 2 double faults in the tiebreak!

  29. But.. but.. it's so hard to sign players, it's not 2K's fault!

  30. Tbh, I'd pick any side quest from Cyberpunk 2077, all of those storylines were well-written.

  31. Can you go and get the top 30 indies since 2019 and I’ll do the same with AAA

  32. It's not that I have a list in my head, but all the indie games that I've played in the last few years were surprisingly good and "original", I don't remember playing a popular indie game that made me feel disappointed or wondering "why this game got popular?". Not to mention, that some of those games you mentioned are sequels, great games ofc, but not sure if all of them offered something new to the table.

  33. Hollow knight, slay the spire, Celeste off the bat didn’t come out in or after 2019. Wonder how many others on the list didn’t either. I could include breath of the wild, red dead redemption II if we are going back to 2017 and 2018, and what does being a sequel have to do with anything? Moving the goal post?

  34. You took the "from the last 5 years" part a bit too serious lol, I was speaking in general, you can stretch that to "the last 6-7 years", but whatever.. since 2019:

  35. You can change your armor and change it back and it will clean you up

  36. I know.. but this is kinda quicker and more satisfying 😄

  37. That's good, but the question is when?

  38. I just purchased fat princess adventures yesterday in the ps store for my PS4. I also saw Castle crashers on there for sale as well. Not sure how long the sale is going till so definitely recommend checking it out

  39. Thanks for sharing 🙏 Castle Crashers is such a great game for co-op, one of the best 2D hack-and-slash titles out there.

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