1. Yeah, just be polite and stay away from others while smoking, unless invited closer. Also leave no trash or litter. Take any filters with you and dispose of properly.

  2. Aren’t roach filters biodegradable? Like it’s literally just paper aka tree bits ahahaha

  3. Coz then people keep asking me hey what do you mean by cute cat holding a heart-shaped balloon in one and and a rambo knife in another?

  4. Can they not see the sticker or something? It’s funny as seeing the prompts people type

  5. Yes. I've said it many times and often the answer is some variation of "yeah, I know" or "I already am". This particular poster responded that they indeed know their mental health is not good.

  6. Who tf goes through someone’s post history? Bit of a stalker aren’t we?

  7. Firstly, congrats on 23 days. That's three weeks! Secondly, according to the research, you're completely fine. Cannabis is generally safe if consumed once per week. It’s when we abuse it that the adverse effects begin to appear. Apparently using it as little as 2-3x per week can bring these issues to the surface (us prior daily tokers know this too well) but yeah you’re in the clear chief!

  8. Thanks for the kind words man. I’m really glad to hear that. It was a tiny slip up and a tiny amount but hey I’m glad I recognised the regret instantly and won’t let it put me down or stop my progress. I’m still saying fuck that I’m not relapsing and that makes me feel strong

  9. I was shown the math equation that explains the universe, to simplify it haha. 10/10 would recommend

  10. Enters equation into calculator, portal to another dimension appears

  11. It's not about getting "more high", it's about experiencing different states of consciousness. How many different transcendental states can we experience? That's the question we're trying to answer

  12. Sorry I’m late to the party 2 years later aha. I definitely agree with you there. I guess people also like to achieve different results. There’s the spiritual transcendence but at the same time there also the thrill chasing to it, like bunjee jumping or sky jumping except through dimensions aha as humans we naturally love seeking thrills. As a spiritual person and a thrill seeker I can do it for both reasons. Sometimes I want to increase my spiritual awareness for personal growth and what not and sometimes I just love going on the craziest ride of my life. Either way DMT will give you the trip you need not the one you want

  13. Your input has been noted by this "Cunt" and taken on board as the the ramblings of a moron.

  14. I came across the post today. What’s it with people on reddit also having a sook when someone replies on an old post. Like that’s such an insult 😂. Couldn’t care less what you say. My point is still valid

  15. It’s like am talking with a teenager who’s in a class debate. Or a child in the playground trying to win an argument. I’m done. Cya child

  16. Respectfully you werent there it was like the cologne got them all possessed, their eyes were all tweaking like they were twice the size and pupils huge and their jaws were all moving weird. I feel like the cologne was similiar to what I have seen drugs do in movies

  17. It was sir. Highly recommend ahahaha couldn’t have thought of a better game

  18. If you want an orgasm for your brain I’d highly recommend aha

  19. On lsd you’ll realize how silly such a book would be. The meanings are within you, not some prescriptive book of someone else’s nonsense

  20. That’s funny because whenever I’ve meditated on lsd I get more in touch with that side of me. But this is for more heavy trips like DMT or high doses of shrooms I’m talking about. Secondly never mentioned why I would want one. I think it would be a fun and interesting read. Let people have fun ffs, why would I give a shit about your opinion?

  21. Not true, do your research, I’ve covered this multiple times. What is it with people not wanting to understand truth. Do you honestly think during one of the most dangerous times in history, people walked around with large bags of silver coins? Stupid….

  22. Yes, yes that’s exactly what they did ahaha. Not understand the truth? Your other posts says things like “aren’t sure if it can be determined”, words like “some theories suggest” and “may have” don’t know what your sources are but sounds a lot more like a theory than the truth.

  23. I know. I meant to phrase it as, 'what AI tool did you use to make this' though I guess that got completely misread.

  24. That’s cool man. I used an app called Loopsie and used a couple of the themes on it. Very simple to use but it’s a pretty expensive subscription so I’m just taking advantage of the free trial atm 😂

  25. THAT mf looks like it could go 1v1 against a can of Mortein with buff af arms and legs and still win

  26. Too little Norepinephrine can be responsible for anxiety too. Neurochemistry is much more complicated than “this chemical does this emotion”

  27. I’d start with the album, Omnium. Gizz’s thing is every album is a different theme/vibe/genre of psych rock. Omnium is a mix of their different styles offering you some nice metal tracks, jazzy sounding tracks, synthy etc

  28. Honestly, I don't get people's obsession with ranking each album. Gizz has such a huge and diverse catalog that almost nobody's top 5 would be the same anyway. Why can't we just say "This album slaps. That album also slaps. All these albums slap what the fuck is going on?"

  29. That’s exactly why I like people ranking. Because of the huge diversity and everyone’s ranking being different. It’s cool to see everyone’s different tastes in music and how everyone loves the band differently.

  30. It's actually more likely there microscopic amounts of Fent that aren't enough to cause an effect when smoked. Most Fent tests are super sensitive since Fent is active at low doses. If weed is stored next to heroin cut with Fentanyl by a dealer at some point in the chain, that could cause weed to test positive for fent despite not really being a risk

  31. Microscopic amounts of Fent is enough to have an effect hence why the doses are micrograms. 100mcg of fent is basically a dot which is a standard dose for a 70kg male. Fentanyl is detectable from 25mcg. Less than a standard dose but more than plenty to feel effects (remember a standard dose of fent isn’t a standard dose of let’s say morphine. When someone is let’s say treated with fent, that standard dose of 100mcg let’s say, are super strong effects still, otherwise weaker opioids would just be used.

  32. It’s a little late but I have listened to every single gizz album on 2-3 tabs or more. Yes they are geniuses and know just how to fuck with you

  33. Why they do not directly update to the latest bluetooth version. I will never understand such companies

  34. Because when it comes to Items with a massive mass production, costs need to be managed and taken verrry carefully.

  35. Can’t wait to drop 400ug’s of acid and stare at this on my tv while listening to the album

  36. Oh man, this would be incredible. The scales and the clouds!

  37. You have blessed or inspired them already today.

  38. Hey, so I think this might be incorrect as that wasn’t coming up after I blessed my followers. I believe I noticed the cross comes up when your cults faith is full/maxed

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