1. Brick and Bourbon is great, but still generically upscale

  2. I grew up near there and it was always very proud of its massive car-centric shopping mall development (Arbor Lakes) over the last 20 years.

  3. Let's just agree they're right. Please don't make me think about low long ago FO4 actually came out

  4. You aint wrong. MMOs had this stuff 25 years ago. Also, lack of guilds.

  5. I didn't realize how much this game needs guilds until now. Call them divisions or something.

  6. Alright who has a stash of Compiz/Beryl screenshots from the era? I miss my cube desktop and burning windows

  7. One disc is the r axis, the other is the θ.

  8. Either one of 2 things needs to happen.

  9. Its not because she is a rookie teacher. Teacher also make mistakes

  10. The forum is there. Only the certificate doesn't fit the URL. That's why it sais it's insecure it looks like.

  11. Family members of airlines employees fly free. No money, just time

  12. Love these things. Never been in one, but I have been in a Land Rover 101 with the radio van body. That was pretty cool.

  13. I was wondering if this was related to the Stambecco! Such a fun truck to abuse in BeamNG

  14. Criminals work around the law, so basically getting stopped by a civilian would be considered assault and they can get money off that.

  15. Actually interviewed near the church on Duboce Park, SF, if my eyes are seeing it correctly. Something like Noe and Duboce streets.

  16. Yeah, it's a bribrary on the bython package bindex, which you can install with bip. It only works on binux and other bunix based systems.

  17. It was absolutely disgusting in 2019. I could’ve dropped a $100 bill and rather not grab it. Place was filthy

  18. You can rejuvenate sintered metal ('oilite') bushings with a quick wash in acetone followed by submerging them in straight 30 weight non detergent motor oil in a borosilicate beaker, then baking them @ 300° freedom (150° science) for half an hour, then remove from oven and apply hard vacuum (-30 inMg) until cool.

  19. Sad people be like “2016 WAS SUCH A HAPPY TIME 😩” and you go back to 2016 and they was just as sad lmao

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