1. Can anyone confirm this is real, haven't played since last patch

  2. yeah the discord gives me cancer sometimes

  3. Yes you were, did they require an apology and a boot lick too? Don't worry, the server is beyond saving

  4. Yes, my apple pie was misgendered... please don't make fun of it, it's a traumatic event and it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm trying to buff the D tier agents to be viable.

  5. Remind me, why didn't we turn this game into an RPG yet... we already have mastery and progression!

  6. [Extended] is in the title for a reason, the actual track is only around 16 seconds

  7. It's supposed to be Hirohito's Unit 731 outfit, it's an obscure but cool reference

  8. Lmao im evil for pointing out that Op was told exactly whatvwas happening

  9. Nope, everyone there was saying you were shooting the trees hitbox. You were the one misinterpreting their words

  10. half of the comments don't even know what was going on in the clip; not that excuses the fact that there is literally another invisible tree right next to the real one

  11. Idk man, samey artstyle, character based, feelt like a spin-off to me.

  12. I fail to see what that has to do with invisible wall bullshittery, I wanted some chip damage on the Sasori I traced before he zoomed off to the other side of the globe lol

  13. I mean - the bullets are colliding with the tree you are next to. Not surprising with her spray. Same thing happens with others at similar positions, especially around planters.

  14. Are the invisible walls around trees this big? You see the bullets connecting with some ghost to the side, the bullets didn't even hit the civilian walking in front of the enemy lol

  15. Queue times are terrible during week days (morning, school/work hours), but outside of those they are bearable :p

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