1. Anecdotally, I’m sitting here in the Southern US refusing to leave the indoors during the summer because my body hates the sun, humidity, and heat since my 99% Northern European stock was NOT MADE FOR THIS. #ihatesummer 

  2. Sitting in S. Louisiana with my Scot, English, French, and Spanish roots. I guess the southern european in me loves the hot weather but the Anglo hates it.

  3. Emily Joy, you are noticed and you are still loved and appreciated. She will continue to live as long as her name is remembered 💗

  4. Ha, I've been pondering going into therapy. Bad idea?

  5. Yes, bad idea to me. I’m also one who left the healthcare field due to the red tape bureaucracy. Graduated with an MBA in Healthcare Admin but now I work as a project controller in construction & oil.

  6. Could you say a word about why it was so bad? It seems like a great skill... Listening to people and finding a way to dialogue that helps them. Not super scalable but if you get your hourly rate right then you don't have to work 8-6 to make a living...

  7. I’m from South Louisiana and mine is around 1.7%. I wasn’t surprised. I call it my Caucajun Seasoning.

  8. Hugh Capet then on to Henry II of France but my line was extinguished due to marrying lesser nobility and finally a female birth.

  9. Number 2 or 3 bc you have a lot of dark colors going on. Give it a little bit of light.

  10. And you believe all of them. That’s the problem. People can become anyone they want and have as much money as they want on the internet. Doesn’t make it true.

  11. Oh, they’ve put his shoe there so it won’t get lost…..WHAT THE FUCK!!!

  12. I understand to an extent. I went from a job making $83k a year to one making $65k. I am not complaining though because the market is hell and I’m thankful that someone is giving me a chance.

  13. I dont know I personally believe in god but I dont interact with the book or the church or the community. I used to go to catholic school too which is ironic because that what killed my interest in ANY religion 💀

  14. This is me too. It eventually got me researching Christopaganism.

  15. Red lobster and many other restaurants lost us way before they had to pay more. Sizes got smaller, food quality dropped and profits soared for them briefly. Bastards got greedy, bye Felicia.....you won't be missed. More room for ma and pa type places. This is actually good news. 

  16. Hate to break it but Ma and Pa wouldn’t make it either with people wanting living wage, plus soaring rent/leases, and higher prices for food items to stock. They’d have to upcharge as well.

  17. Wait, so outside of Australia you move into a rental and you have to use their fridge and their washing machine and dryer?? Damn, do they leave you their bed and underwear too?? I'd much rather have my own

  18. In the US, apartments and homes can be rented with or without appliances. Ex: My apartment came with washer/dryer, dishwasher, stove, fridge as that’s what I narrowed my search to include. I’d rather have my own too but if I’m renting, I’m not buying all of that.

  19. They lie. The multiple homes, cars, jets, and clothing…all of that can be rented or borrowed. If those same people met you on the street, you wouldn’t recognize them. It’s all a show.

  20. Thank you! I’m trying my best. Are you able to get out some?

  21. Yes, I get out enough times. I feel content and happy with the people in my life

  22. Re trees, many decades ago, when I moved into my house, which is in the woods, the house inspector remarked that many of the trees were old. He told me and it was in the report that I should expect some fallen trees and to budget for that.

  23. I felt the same about a pear tree in my parent’s yard. The tree had been struck by lightening years prior. Its trunk had split yet it stayed alive and still produced fruit. A bad storm took it out and it was like a family member had passed. I loved and grew up with that tree.

  24. Makes you wonder what kind of crazy shit the government could potentially be participating in today

  25. I’ve had no problems in Houston or DFW but I also don’t bring up politics, my sexual orientation, or religion because it’s no one’s business. I haven’t had any problems. If someone comes up to me and starts saying something I don’t like, then I know to keep them at arms length. I’m a polo player so lots of different cultures, nationalities, moral compasses, and opinion.

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