1. As a drummer, who went to marching band camp in the 80s where there were 20 of us crammed in a tiny room all day long for five days straight...

  2. Wow. When did we become a generation of whingy little bitches?

  3. Coming across as a little heavy handed there, Mods. My post was sarcastic and frumpy, but my point was valid.

  4. It must! Praise The Lord that the Almighty Fox News is here to let us know just how many of our Freedoms are in danger from the Radical, Anti-American, Freedom-Hating Woke-ists!

  5. I still have my personalized license plate that I used in the early 90s that says, "CHUMMER". I'm with you OP. Cool universe.

  6. I really tried with this series. As one who completely dove into fantasy and sci-fi, I really, really tried.

  7. As one who works for Walmart Health I can say this is massively disappointing.

  8. I was 16 visiting Germany in '86 when they were playing the finals for the World Cup. Huge party in a small town (Unterwössen) so was more "bar pavilion". Had a huge beer and it wrecked me.

  9. I spent the summer of '86 working on a farm in Germany. Greven am Ems, specifically. The whole World Cup thing was completely lost on me.

  10. I'll confess that I didn't care too much about the sport. But, it was absolutely amazing to watch pretty much a week-long party that most of the town was there for.

  11. Younger? Some of us still refuse socks and shoes because fucking eww.

  12. https://giphy.com/gifs/ro8PizsxZMEvSPzVrv

  13. Aside from the other excellent tips of seeing doctor, and properly washing foreskin and areas (pockets) on both sides, tea tree oil helps fight bacteria and can be very helpful with this problem.

  14. I remember loving this stuff as a kid, makes me wonder how it would hold up today.

  15. Probably the same as every other good cereal from our past. Changed recipe and now tastes like absolute shit.

  16. I don't even want to keep up with the old ones, let alone the new ones. I pedantic-level loathe how shortened words have become the norm.

  17. We live just a hop, skip, and a jump from said town, Payson. My amazing wife is from there and her mom still lives there. My wife, her siblings, and friends were all giddy about this announcement and talked about it for days.

  18. bag, bottles of beer and portable speaker

  19. Bag, bottles of beer, and personal stroker

  20. Well the Green Elf needs to stop shooting the damn food!

  21. Just need enough for a beer for someone else to hold.

  22. As one who, to this day 29 years later, still lives with the occasional gut-wrenching, heart-dropping horror of truly thinking about what my poor kitten went through. A three year old had put it on the clothes already in the dryer so it could be comfortable and his mom didn't know when she turned it on...

  23. That your shadow being that long, I would surmise that this picture was taken around five PM.

  24. Bewbs! Of course it was those lovely bewbs!! Haha ;)

  25. This bugs me so much! Especially because you can press in the left thumb stick to dash, too. Do we need two buttons for it that bad? I’d love to know if there’s a way to get rid of it.

  26. Exactly, and sorry if my post wasn't clear fellow Arisen...

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