1. This is great bait for nerd sniping, or the basis of a trick trivia question, well done.

  2. There is an entrance underwater :) (it's near the place of power, if I remember well)

  3. Honestly, I liked the Witcher universe and felt closer to Tolkien's

  4. Great photo. Looks like a place not very well suited for natural sprinters.

  5. It's actually în Măcin Mountains în Romania

  6. I also use docker, so 32 GB is kinda minimum

  7. Mersi de tip, nu mai comand de la ei de acum

  8. "una dintre fostele prietene m-a parasit deoarece i-am pus Linux noaptea cand dormea"

  9. I believe it hardcode to be this way. A simple OR operand would have done it.

  10. Serios acum, eu folosesc mașina doar în 2 cazuri in București: de ajuns în locuri inaccesibile cu transport în comun sau când cumpăr lucruri voluminoase de la Brico, Dedeman etc. În rest cu pejosul sau transport comun.

  11. You need to fill up the mastery bar for apprentice first. Just like how you can only work on proficiency for journeyman after you finish proficiency on apprentice, you can only become a master journeyman AFTER you become a master apprentice, so on and so forth for all future tiers as well

  12. Now I have to farm again for ingredients for Apprentice...

  13. https://giphy.com/gifs/Yycc82XEuWDaLLi2GV

  14. This actually could be a good name for a game

  15. Imo Mastodont is underpowered, especially when climbing hills

  16. Medieval Dynasty. It would be interesting to live there.

  17. https://giphy.com/gifs/3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU

  18. RAM is Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR5 6000MHz CL30. I looked into QVL but couldn't find any DDR5 there.

  19. By all means keep BIOS up to date with important updates from Gigabyte but its worth investigating each issue fully

  20. I realized that previously, I updated the bios with an NTFS formatted USB..

  21. I remember when I started the game, I avoided this path since I thought it was inaccessible

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