1. Friendships where the effort, initiative and support are one sided are better off dead.

  2. Overthinking and replaying hypothetical what if? scenarios in your mind. Then contacting your ex or following them on social media. A clean break where you sever all ties hurts a lot at first, but it takes away so much complication and provides the opportunity to grow.

  3. Dit laat me beter voelen over stoppen met geneeskunde. Beste beslissing die ik ooit heb gemaakt. Ik ben nu niet meer overspannen en depressief, alleen nog maar depressief.

  4. Respect voor jou, dat zal een moeilijke keuze zijn geweest. Hang in there

  5. Lief van je! Dit is oprecht heel fijn om te lezen, dankjewel.

  6. Almost all toilets in the Netherlands have full doors without a gap and urinals have dividers between them.

  7. You’d be amazed at how quickly you get comfortable pooping next to people with doorless stalls when that’s all that’s available.

  8. Home is where the landlord's mortgage is generated

  9. This level of evil hatred has only boiled up since Oct 7th you understand.

  10. Ah yes, the moral high ground of religious fundamentalists.

  11. Isn't this also a custom in Britain? Just a friendly game of bum paddle

  12. The birthday cake was provided by Rikers Island Confectionary & Pastries

  13. it is such a perfect sequel to the Four Seasons Total Landscaping debacle too

  14. But "franks" in the context of lingua franca was used to refer western Europeans who spoke pidgin language, not to the Frankish or French people. "Lingua franca" was not French. It was the language of western europeans seafarers referred to as "franks".

  15. These posts always make me think of Frank Reynolds describing his ideal bang-maid.

  16. I think the term "communist" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

  17. Good point, it's become a catch all term for their imaginary boogeyman / scapegoat / opponent

  18. Jack Black often looks like he's having fun. Even his late night interviews are never boring.

  19. I was going to answer the Pick of Destiny, but this definitely also goes for Be Kind Rewind

  20. Seems like Donnie took a copy of the Kim cult playbook right after saluting that North Korean general

  21. this is definitely gonna sound awful, but hear me out for a second.

  22. I don't think that sounds too awful and I get what you're saying. Icons do get put on pedestals though and the (criminal) behavior of celebrities is placed above scrutiny all the time. Often even when convictions do happen. There's nothing wrong with looking up to role models, as long as the distinction between the persona and the actual human being is still made. Countless artists were and are terrible people and that shouldn't automatically disqualify their art from being enjoyed.

  23. Genuinely my #1 favorite movie of all time. To me, it's one of those "lightning in a bottle" movies where everything just clicks and the result is much larger than the sum of its parts. The writing, cinematography, performances, music, sound design, pacing, plot development, societal commentary, humanity, visual storytelling, take home message and originality are all absolutely fantastic. The way it made me feel the first time watching it has really stuck with me.

  24. Helemaal met je eens. Ik ben ook veel op rechtse forums te vinden (9gag) maar daar zijn zoveel dom rechtse mensen. Heb je een tip voor een forum voor iets overtuigender en intelligente rechtse argumenten?

  25. Dit zou helemaal af zijn als het logo van de ZuivelKoningin het hoofd van Lientje was

  26. Dat komt omdat het bedrijf eerst niet van plan was verschillende soorten chocolade uit te brengen. Rood was toen hun bedrijfskleur

  27. Klopt! En ze kozen voor rood, de meest alarmerende en opvallende kleur, omdat ze een zo duidelijk mogelijk alarmsignaal wilden afgeven tegen de onethische praktijken van de gevestigde chocolade-industrie . Nu lijkt het gewoon een ludieke wissel-a-roe

  28. Ik neem aan dat ik niet de enige ben die helemaal gaar word van het continu zien langskomen van deze kerel?

  29. binnen de kortste keren zal Netanyahu berecht worden door het Internationaal Niet-Meer-Doen-HĂš-Hof

  30. Did a CEO make this meme? Plenty of jobs are 100% shitty.

  31. What a despicable comment by a revolting human. Imagine being this divorced from any nuance or historical context. As if the massacres in Iraq and Afghanistan are justified in any way— as if they accomplished anything good for the majority of people in any of the involved countries.

  32. I know the guy is a smooth-brained bigot, but this is pretty obvious satire....

  33. He should've dodge rolled instead of trying to parry

  34. Incorrect, this has been debunked on this sub multiple times. Shitty American life expectancy isn't due to the US healthcare system. It's because

  35. Trying to separate the opiate crisis from the US healthcare system is a whole new flavor of mental gymnastics. Absolutely beyond satire.

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