1. I freaking hate ghosting. 5 years and now nothing ... Call me an a hole but I don't blame you if you burned her stuff. Although I would encourage you to be a bigger person/better man than me. Regretting giving her stuff back is a hell of a lot better than regretting throwing it away and not having the opportunity to give it back.

  2. It doesn't seem impossible to me, I'm designing some holes in my backyard, but they won't be a real course, currently I use the grass that already exists (weeds and other shit) and I cut it with a small lawn tractor, but the greens are something else. (no matter how short the weeds are, it makes them unplayable), so I am designing (and raising the money) to build 4 or 5 artificial greens, probably in April I will have the first one done, but either way it will have to be small (4x5 meters), and the holes will be between 50 and a maximum of approximately 120 yards, I know that the ball at that distance cannot stop on an artificial green, but it is what I have with my budget. so if you have money for large artificial greens it is possible to do it. However, real greens require a lot of maintenance and are much more expensive, so my recommendation and my long comment was to say that I recommend artificial greens.

  3. That's my thought process. It's not impossible if I'm smart about it.

  4. You don’t need to worry about specific costs when you have 20 years of saving to do

  5. You’re living in a fantasy world, bud

  6. Your opinion. I know for damn sure I make more than "Mr Spud Run" guy and he has exactly what I want. My mother confirmed I make more than both her and her husband COMBINED and they have a few acres. I will make it happen and I do not need $50mm to make it reality. Thank you but no thank you.

  7. My son was kicked off of driving range at a below average public course. personally, I appreciate them trying to set a tone and I had no issues with it

  8. I could see why he got kicked off with an asshole like you as a dad

  9. "especially Ohio"???? I thought they okayed abortion last November. Did I miss something???

  10. You're only an asshole if you get mad at him looking at what you're advertising was poking out. It is the same concept as if I (male) were to wear a thong in front of a gay dude. I have only myself to blame.

  11. I consent to drinking beer instead of water when I'm thirsty 

  12. Isn't it ironic how the "pro lifers" using science are typically from the states with the lowest test scores in science (ie West Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee....)

  13. Probably because we're realizing the the student loans for the education that was rammed down our throats to get or "spend your career working at Arby's" by the snake oil salesmen  government running our schools wasn't as worth it as we were told 

  14. Abby Johnson had abortions and she’s now a PL grifter. If they really believed it was murder they wouldn’t have a serial killer as their spokesperson.

  15. When you bring up the classic "burning building and you could ONLY save a 5 year old or a container of 500 embryos" scenario. They almost always refuse to answer the question appropriately.

  16. First off, thank you for listening. My mother raised my sister and me pro life and we are both pro choice now that we heard the other side and can think for ourselves. Though she disagrees, she is proud to have raised independent thinkers. I personally take a much different approach than most other pro choicers. Not to mention I call out some of the BS on my side so I'm honestly not really liked either way. Oh well...

  17. I realize this is not real popular with the pro choice community but I am open to suggestions of why I am wrong rather than just voting this down and leaving me in the dark.

  18. The only ones I am seeing. Not going to torture you with the full comment but the last paragraph of my OP comment to this details my observation.

  19. Sometimes the truth hurts so here are two things I think we can improve on.....

  20. Watching the video of Aaron getting crispy made me hungry 

  21. I’m not shocked. These people are so fucking stupid and brain dead it’s not even funny. How could anybody think that a literal embryo, that has no heart, brain, emotions, or feelings, is alive? If they are this idiotic I would not be surprised about anything that they do next.

  22. I once looked up the dumbest states in the US. The 4 that passed constitutional amendments banning the procedure are all in the Top (or Bottom) 10.

  23. She was a receptionist at PP which is the funniest thing.

  24. This is why I don't like knowing or hearing of anyone's political views or private information. I can't ever look or think the same of these people.

  25. I agree with the tables turned comment which is why I do the donation. Makes me able to sleep at night.

  26. Also, if it weren't for abortion rights, my sister would be dead and my mother wouldn't have been able to conceive me. When it comes to these nutjobs, I fucking hate them. Can't imagine how I'd feel if I were a woman. It used to be I didn't mind them and I'd even donate to a CPC every once in a while. But after seeing what these people do with power, trying to raise the voter threshold, yelling about states rights before suing other states for what out of staters do within their state borders, etc, I have no sympathy sticking it to them. They can have the tax credits, I'll just include a completely unnecessary spreadsheet breakdown analysis.

  27. If they are old enough to get pregnant, they are old enough to make decisions about their body

  28. Consent to have sex and consent to remain having sex are two different things. Same with allowing an individual to use your body. At the end of the day, you cannot legalize forced pregnancy without also accepting rape is okay.

  29. Follow sam samirez on Twitter. He has the smartass comebacks to these questions 

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