1. Show up during closing and ask for any little john bread they didn’t use. Make your own

  2. Usually they nest in the teddybear cholla. That’s funny to see in a saguaro. I bet the Gila woodpeckers are upset

  3. You shouldn’t be feeding them just grain either. That diet will kill them with fatty liver disease. That may have been a contributing factor

  4. Thank you for pointing that out. We did read into most of the diet issues and we did includes fruits and cooked rice in his diet too.

  5. My favorite kids show moments in the finale was the murder-suicide, and the hostage situation where a child had a gun held to her head

  6. Still not as hard core as killing off every main character which is what like half the people in this sub thought was gonna happen

  7. Oops typo. Continent. Its a top tier noxious weed everywhere except south America. No one should be selling or buying it. Absolutely destroying my local waterways right now.

  8. No one should be buying it because of some irresponsible people who let it get into the waterways?

  9. It needs to be kilked off. Its the botanical equivalent of keeping covid as a pet. Doesn't matter how responsible you are. Its so noxious it will find its own wsy into your local environment.

  10. That’s not true at all. It’s pretty easy to make sure you don’t dump it into local bodies of water

  11. I am not looking for something that is tall. That is pretty much exactly what the current cage is

  12. Poor baby :( I had a budgie who broke his wing when he ditched on the floor. Cost about £350 to put him right. Had to give him oral painkillers 3x a day for 2 weeks, which he hated! Poor boy. He never flew again sadly but he did live a happy life after. Might be your girl won’t be able to fly after but she will likely still have her normal amount of sass 😅

  13. Her husband does not fly either so even if she can’t fly again she won’t be alone. Another reason I want to change cages

  14. Weed smells like dead skunk. Anyone who denies that has just gone noseblind. Also, we can all smell it when you smoke in and around your home or outside in an alleyway or similar

  15. It’s real as in it is pattern welded. It just doesn’t show up until you etch it in acid

  16. I’m glad you asked! When I was in middle school or early high school, my dad’s friend grabbed one from the wild and put it in an atrium with chickens and fed it iceberg lettuce. I reported his ass and broke into his house and took the tortoise back and released it in a wash.

  17. Put it in the atrium with chickens? The fuck was he thinking?

  18. Better to just torture the cow for a hamburger right? That sensory pleasure far outweighs the pleasure they get from their activities?

  19. Animals eat other animals and humans kill things far more humanely than most other predator will. Drink your nut milk and cry about it

  20. There are plenty of labor law lawyers who will represent you for free and take the legal fees from the employer if any of y’all have been getting fucked over by this or similar bs

  21. You said "and feral lovebirds". Pretty much every pigeon you've ever seen is the descendent of a pet pigeon.

  22. I said feral lovebirds because this is the Arizona subreddit, and Phoenix is pretty well known for having a large feral population of lovebirds. And everyone knows pigeons used to be pets. I see no need to state the obvious.

  23. 'Everyone knows pigeons used to be pets?' Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! You know this to be true, How?

  24. Interesting story from my days back east. We lived in a rural forest community in CT. We had to take down some dead pine trees in our back yard and a few days later a beautiful hawk flew into my sliding glass door. I had posted about it on our towns facebook page as it had never happened before. Several folks mentioned that we changed the flight path in our yard by removing those trees and birds hadn’t adapted yet. The most interesting part was a woman who was part of a local Indian tribe asked me to let her have the dead bird so she could incorporate its wings into ceremonial headdresses she creates. We hung old CDs after that.

  25. It’s funny because that’s totally legitimate. It would be very illegal to keep any hawk parts in the US but there is an exception for Native American/Mexican people

  26. Tucson Tamale Co is very overrated if you want authentic tamales you gotta go to a mexican market. Buying from parking lots has a higher risk of foodborne pathogens which is ok if you like to gamble.

  27. Buying from parking lots is no greater risk than buying from any small business. They don’t make profit or keep customers if they are lazy with cleaning and get all their customers sick.

  28. Dumbest post ever? Clearly you’ve never worked in food service. There are far more legitimate businesses that have horrible kitchens and sanitary practices than you’d like to believe. You’re not taking much of a risk with food from someone’s home kitchen unless you’re worried about allergens.

  29. Yeah fair. With how big it is and how the tail tapers off slowly to a very fine point

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