1. Don’t let her in, glory to Arstotzka. Also your execution is tomorrow for even thinking of letting her in.

  2. Kshatriya was so scary I left the DLC hanging for MONTHS before forcing myself to do it for the achievement

  3. Don’t remember much but what I do remember is the old lady having to go to the bathroom so often which I found hilarious when I was 8

  4. If I were you I’d put it in a wine bottle

  5. Then it should be fine aging in mason jar, fill it very close to the brim. Because of the wideness of jars there will be more air in there than can mess with the wine

  6. Imma keep it simple. Once its done fermenting, press it and separate it from the juice. Your fermentation could be longer or shorter than 21 days. 20-21 days is not a magical number.

  7. So I do as the tutorials say and after removing the grapes leave it for as long as I want?

  8. I have no clue what "tutorial" you're watching dude, frankly I'm not so sure if I trust it.

  9. Rock and metal except a few red army marches(which I don’t listen to often) or salsa

  10. I already know English and it is the Language of Trade, so I don't need to learn a second one until the Centauri or Mimbari show up... (yes that was a extremely deep core reference.)

  11. I am a woman so just be aware. Do you still want my take? I know you’re asking men, but I’m in this sub because honestly these guys have taught me SO much about men and communication and how to be better to the men in my life. However, a few have not been happy I commented.

  12. Papers please fan try not to post every face that slightly resembles Hitler

  13. I am 15, I only drink like maximally 3-5 glasses of whiskey a year and that’s it

  14. I miss the days where the left was about economics and not this shit

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