1. The North/South german split is something that was established idk when but it carried over to even Viccy 3, where eventually a third, allemannic, was addded to differentiate the south-western germans like Alsacians or Swiss from Ba* arians and Au*trians. But I agree somewhat with your reasoning and I like the idea very much. But I have to admit, that a North-South split is much more important and essential than a North-Middle-South split.

  2. Will those be automatically claimed or do I have to remember that?

  3. As long as people are happy with what they're doing and don't harm anyone, I couldn't give a fuck what they're doing

  4. I always liked the Batman Arkham ones with the different villians shittalking your corpse

  5. I’ve scammed trillions off of gullible AI for joining in stupidly easy to win plays, the brits will literally give you half their colonial empire and continue bankrolling you for putting down native uprisings for them

  6. Schau dir mal die Rankings von koreanischen Unis im internationalen Vergleich an. Selbst die dort hochgelobten SKY-Unis, also die Top 3 bei denen sich alle einen wedeln, wenn sie dorthin gehen, schmiert international massiv ab. Die beste koreanische Uni ist auf Platz 41. Selbst die TUM ist besser platziert.

  7. …I didn’t expect Russia and Germany to require the same degree of censoring, given… You know… (gestures broadly to the Russian government’s dubious-at-best moral status [edit: when I say “dubious at best”, it’s probably deliberate understatement])

  8. I'm not familiar with the game but does it include at some point Nazi symbols? Those are very heavily regulated here

  9. Maybe he knew that already and just got to know the other? It's called Today I learned after all

  10. I think the backstory to this image was that the plug had been advertised as 100% silicone which turned out to be false. It had a metal core which dealt major damage to the patient when the mri activated. Patient ended up surviving.

  11. I realised you didn’t include a big thing. Money. Churches that pressure you to donate money to the church is my biggest red flag ever. I’m catholic and the amount of christians i’ve met who told me that you’re supposed to donate 10% of your income to the church is ridiculous. I’m appalled that people actually think that.

  12. The whole point of the reformation was to not be forced to pay money to the church... and even the catholic church gave in at one point. So weird that so newer churches adopted this

  13. i mean it's been an inferno for 4/5 of the weaponized town halls i feel like they're sticking with that

  14. I thought YAML stands for Yet Another Markup Language but yours makes more sense

  15. If something is a superset of a programming language, it will inherently meet all the requirements of being a programming language

  16. I think they mean that Typescript does not have its own runtime and engine (although that's also false by now) but usually it will be JavaScript that's executed

  17. Why is it always i for i in range... and not just i in range... isn't that redundant?

  18. Find das durchaus ok, aber dann sollte man normale Zigaretten dort auch verbieten, wie in vielen andere europäischen Ländern. Sonst ist es halt inkonsequent und ideologisch.

  19. Die CSU inkonsequent und ideologisch? Nein was, das ist ja komisch. Kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen

  20. Ai can “trade” peace offers. Swedens war goal was annex Norway and norways was take Stockholm. They mutually agreed to take each others war goal so Norway got annexed and took Sweden’s capital

  21. Also, euligizing anybody is still protected under free speech. If you don't have free speech in Germany, than that's of course a different story, and apparently it is indeed a different story.

  22. No, that's exactly what it means, at least in this case. You may wanna checkout Article 5 in the German Constitution.

  23. You may want to checkout Article 5 Section II where the limits are defined.

  24. Also ich Rauch/Schnief nur noch Heroin. Deutlich gesünder!

  25. Sind die Schädlichkeitswerte für Alkohol nicht immer so hoch berechnet, weil es so unglaublich einfach zu kriegen und gesellschaftlich akzeptiert ist? Du kannst dir an jeder Ecke ne tödliche Dosis Alkohol kaufen und es juckt niemanden, Heroin schon schwierig

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