1. He would laugh heartily for sure :)) Gem also plays stardew, so I hope she installs and plays it someday.

  2. I'm level 43 at the moment, and I almost always default to Hellpod Space Optimization, simply because I'd argue it's one of the best. 2 extra stims on spawning, full ammo capacity for all non-support weapons, it's great in a pinch.

  3. also for context iskall was talking about joel building him a joel-statue...which would show love to him...that iskall could hug and replace real joel with...and apparently something about the statue being like heroes riding horses... 

  4. I find my friend group doesn't typically need a 24/7 server, and the guy who typically runs the server is usually on long enough such that it really doesn't matter.

  5. The reason people are upset is because either:

  6. Battalion Wars II for the Wii. I feel like I'm the only person to have ever played that masterpiece of an RTS/TPS.

  7. I was going to go with Other Pluto but this works.

  8. And hydroelectric generators, and jet engines, and the GATLING GUNS TO PUT ON THE JET ENGINES.

  9. "That one spins to make something clean, and that one spins to make something disappear"

  10. I, as someone that likes to use the Ballistic Shield, am relieved they fixed the bug that caused it to not work with stima.

  11. I couldn't care less about the lock, I'll probably bin it eventually, but it's driving me insane that I picked a number that obviously meant something to me, then I forgot it 😂

  12. You might be able to use a computer to make brute force a bit more viable. You could tackle it over the course of a number of days, using a computer to keep track of what ones you've already tried.

  13. Reminds me of when I pissed off a whole lobby using the longsword... Good times...

  14. Ive gone on pretty large kill streaks before with just a Diamond Pickaxe. Mirage is surprisingly a good melee-only map, due to it's deceptive but plentiful cover.

  15. Tears of the kingdom improved upon everything botw did well while also doubling down on everything it did poorly. I enjoyed TotK and botw, but I don’t have any desire to play them ever again unlike past Zelda titles. 

  16. Id argue the Weapon Durability system is objectively better on TotK, considering you can repair your badly-damaged weapons via Octorocks.

  17. I don't think that it's a coincidence that every major disappointment Blizzard made for Overwatch has been the result of E-Sports.

  18. I want to like the default pistol, but looking at the stats, the Machine Pistol is an objective upgrade - More capacity, higher ROF, same damage, less recoil.

  19. Not directly related, but I learned recently that one of the ship upgrades in Helldivers II does something like this. Advanced Construction improves Sentry turret health by 50% with the following description:

  20. I've been replaying Super Mario Galaxy. It's such a great game. It's my third favorite video game, period, and for good reason - incredible level design, truly great music... Overall the game has aged relatively well. I try to revisit it at least once a year.

  21. The Default Machine Gun is single-handedly my favorite weapon in the entire game. It's powerful, hits hard, and very fun to use. The only reason I don't use it often is because it leaves me without a consistent or reliable way to deal with Chargers. However, it seems like the general community seems to disagree, consistently considering it low-tier.

  22. 20: Shooters and Sandboxes are my favorite genres, though I also like Strategy games every once in a while (RTS and TBS are both good)

  23. I've suffered no problems with them as of late, mainly due to me running the Ballistic Shield backpack. I find it highly effective vs most of the more armored bots, as it allows me to safely get close to them to more easily hit their weak points.

  24. What about a sword or other melee as well? Infinite ammo, at the cost of restricting yourself to CQC.

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