1. Hay, thats me :) Ive been Enjoying duo mist whit my little brother lately. Cant say i remember this kill but my tip after running this set for the last 4 days is that u should always inspect everyone and keep ur distance to the likes of us. If this was all your Silver hit me up ingame i will gladly regear you :).

  2. You're a scumbag and I'll make sure to destroy you in my 120/120 spec 8.3 gear. Bring your stupid brother and your stupid friends too.

  3. Honestly I think gambling made me cheaper, I donā€™t wanna spend $25 bucks on something I need but Iā€™ll piss away $5k in a matter of minutes.

  4. Yes, and also along with that the constant willpower battle against ā€œoverspendingā€ to make it even more foolish.

  5. The irony is that Iā€™m a much better player than you. Stick to YZ and crafts

  6. Whether youā€™re obliged to have sex in end of the date or not, getting paid for dates feels like prostitution or at least being an escort. I wouldnā€™t want to make money this way or to monetize myself in this way. Plus, thereā€™s a bunch of usual negatives of dating apps, hence Iā€™ve never used any nor have any plans to do so in the future even if I have to date again for some awful reason.

  7. First of all how old are you? I'm not too interested in hearing of opinions from shen-nu (leftover) women. Not to mention youre in a different stage in your life, what we men want is 20 year old naive bimbos with killer bodies who want to have fun

  8. Ya the age gap just makes the sex hotter

  9. Don't care.. send him back to Europe in a sail boat, same way his ancestors came. Let's see how he likes scurvy.

  10. How far are we going back in the ancestral tree? Because technically we all came from one continent.

  11. My most epic run was $800->$30,000. Of course lost it within 24 hours.

  12. If this is a good faith conversation then I'd point you to 50 year old ladies and the reality that very few of them will feel the gaze of a man anymore. It is not meant as a way to provoke insecurity, your biological clock is not determined by men, but rather by genetics.

  13. Iā€™ve downvoted you for saying that men are shallow for being attracted to youth and beauty. You have internalised misandry. ā€œShallowā€ is a male shaming term and youā€™ve fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

  14. Sheng-nu, Mandarin for "leftover woman." Any woman over 30 that's unmarried. I won't say such a thing unless she's been rude.

  15. Eh Soviets were fat af, processed food is cheap to make and fattening and that's pretty much the only thing you get when the government has a monopoly on food distribution.

  16. Bullshit. Show proof soviets were fat af or apologize

  17. Are you invalidating their lived experience? Please be a better person

  18. Never speak beyond the surface level with women. Never tell them anything personal or make jokes that wouldn't pass screening for a toddler's tv show. They may not intend to use what you say against you at some point in time, but don't be surprised when they do.

  19. I'm a woman but I'm often reading AskMen because I like learning about what you all like, how you spend your time, how similar our genders are in terms of thinking, and sometimes it gives me insights into how to be a better girlfriend to my boyfriend.

  20. After 30? Who is so generous to give them that long? It's usually after 25, if not earlier

  21. Familial rape, child rape, random assault rape, are all predominated by men. All categories of rape are predominated by men. It is what it is.

  22. No one is arguing against that, "Kayla", no one ever said that men don't commit the vast majority of rapes, "Kayla", the argument is about the 1 in 4 women are "raped or attempted raped" statistic, where any lay person who sees it believes this outlandish ridiculous number

  23. Nope. That might be your argument, but my argument is whether alcohol is accounted for or not, men are still largely the glaring problem when it comes to rape. Itā€™s pretty concerning regardless how you shake it.

  24. Rapists are a concern yes, "Kayla". Good job

  25. Because having the same recurring tattoos as everyone else (roses, butterflies, lions, skulls, crosses, stars, wolves, etc) is sooooo fucking cool and unique

  26. Women talk about personality, a nebulous term, to make themselves appear better

  27. Ah money. Be it a lottery or an estate. Everyone shows up. With their hand out. Even uncle Louie, who hasnā€™t seen you since you were 2, has his hand out for that ā€˜Debtā€™ you owe him

  28. You didnā€™t read the article and just typed your shitty pointless opinion out based on the title. You are whatā€™s wrong with society

  29. Ya agreed, women should stop getting butthurt over age gaps, I like them young and pretty sorry not sorry you wrinkled old bags

  30. Sorry that youā€™ve never fucked a skinny hot bad bitch

  31. White knight, mom jokes, ya no wonder you canā€™t pull a baddie

  32. Fitting that your reddit character is a rat

  33. I like to lead women on thinking they have a chance at a relationship and that Iā€™m a caring loving guy, then ghost them after sex.

  34. I could have my dick in a pussy while I type this and youā€™d still call me an incel, so who cares what you have to say? I sure donā€™t

  35. If youā€™re only interested in sex, then thereā€™s not really any point in waiting.

  36. Whatā€™s the point of being honest with women if the honest men are sexually punished and deprived and the dishonest manipulative men are quickly rewarded?

  37. How did you get ā€œsexually punished and deprivedā€ out of what I said? You think a ā€œgoodā€man feels he is being unfairly punished if heā€™s not getting laid on the first date with a stranger, even though heā€™s looking for a relationship??

  38. Yes. Hoping for some leftovers from the casual sex orgy is sad. Iā€™d rather inject anabolic steroids and get neck tattoos than be that guy, the ā€œguy thatā€™s worthy of waiting for sexā€

  39. internal = directed towards yourself

  40. Can you even define what a woman is?

  41. ok but it is really weird for a 50 year old man to date an 18 year old girl or someone much younger than him. it is a huge ick as it is extremely predatory

  42. Why, you support LGBTQ and its not icky, but age gap is icky? Sounds misandrist and androphobic

  43. Yea i kinda stopped playing the game once i realized the mind numbing meta of mists and pvp in general. Large scale -whoever has more alliances wins 1v1 has very obvious tiers 2-3 bis while running same map, same mobs every single time. Mists- whale risk averse meta where they just punch down with turbo ip sets so they can easily escape if they start losing. BZ/roads is just gank squads roaming 24/7 bc they cant pvp without a healer (or also just looking for easy money) This is probably the most fun content atm when it turns into a two party brawl but is severely hit or miss. Could spend hours never seeing anybody when looking.

  44. RZ pvp fights were more fun than BZ in my experience. There was a lot of small scale fights that would happen in RZ. Mists lowered that significantly

  45. People already know this but are obsessed with making and watching pointless shit. So they'll just keep using it.

  46. Because you have the answers to lifeā€™s point, right bud? Go crack a brewski and watch the Canucks game. Your life is soooo much more full of non pointless activities woowww good job bud

  47. I think it's just weird to care about that kind of stuff. Get some friends or a hobby or something.

  48. Itā€™s weird when men do it, itā€™s a social justice cause worthy of parroting all over social media when women do it. Good job

  49. Some women are just really hateable*

  50. 61% of women would describe themselves as feminists.

  51. There's no "should". But also yeah, I know plenty of guys who watch road fail videos an dashcam compilations for that reason.

  52. They watch it because itā€™s entertaining

  53. Yeah, and women are into true crime because it's entertaining. I'm not saying we go into it with the mindset of protection, I'm saying we're drawn to it because of it. On the surface it's still just a way to kill an hour.

  54. Except thatā€™s not what you said previously and also womenā€™s worldview gets tainted after binging on truecrime. Men donā€™t go out terrified to drive their car with the crash videos. Sorry babes youā€™re not winning this one

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