1. If there are no hidden cost that’s a very low price. I would be skeptical but he may just be slow and needing work. Goodman is pretty hit or miss with their quality but the same can be said for all brands these days

  2. Depending on the brand it should have enough safeguards to prevent any major damage to the unit. Most brands will have factory installed high and low pressure cut outs and possibly even a lockout feature if these switches trip multiple times. If anything the compressor would get hot enough to go off on thermal protection and not run keeping it from damage

  3. Just picked up two bags 8.99 each. Cheapest pellets but great quality

  4. Believe it or not, that's major! Congratulations man, you should feel proud. IWNDWYT

  5. Thanks! Like I said it’s been a rough week driving by that store every day on my way home. They are probably missing me lol

  6. It’s Animaniacs and Wacko has to pee not poop

  7. No, i needed a downflow, and put it upside down, so now its an upflow. Hahaha

  8. That furnace is the upflow model and won’t work in downflow applications your gonna need D5 instead of the U5

  9. I copied and pasted wrong model number. Whats installed right now is S9V2B060D3PSBDA

  10. Then you got a couple more late nights in front of you

  11. Most thermostats have to be “set up” so they know what equipment you have. Go grab your manual

  12. I’m going to guess they didn’t replace the copper line set so they also didn’t pull a new control wire. Then went to hook it up and didn’t have enough conductors on the existing wire (went from straight cool to heat pump possibly) so they did the easiest and laziest thing they could think of. It will work just really should have been pulled through the chase or ran through conduit. I would make my guys go back and do it right I don’t want my name on something that looks like that.

  13. Don’t think it’s a clogged drain if your safety switch is wired properly. I’ve had several instances with these Trane coils not shedding water properly. The condensate should run all the way down the fins to the pan but it will end up falling off the coil about halfway down. Cleaning the coil can remedy this bit I have had to swap out a couple of coils that kept having this same issue.

  14. Aint this why they send you epoxy coated coils? They know they put out crap. They dont seem to care, either…

  15. I have heard from several people at Trane that they are not aware of any ongoing issues with their coils but then if you can get someone on a non recorded line they will tell you flat out that they know it’s happening.

  16. The Jacket with Adrien Brody! I never hear anyone talking about it and but it’s highly enjoyable and original

  17. I read Wind Through the Keyhole immediately after my first trip to the tower and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s enough of a departure from the main story to feel fresh while still being familiar. Plus everything is going to be fresh in your mind with any tie ins. My wife just bought me Fairly Tale for Christmas and I’m looking forward to cracking it open soon.

  18. What did Carina’s shirt say when she took off that dress? I couldn’t see

  19. It said “thank god for abortion” the place went nuts

  20. Great show! That little auditorium gave them a helluva sound

  21. I didn’t know they did a remake. Is it any good?

  22. There was an old Beauty and the Beast show back in the 80’s that was similar to this idea

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